SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

would your read on seth change drastically if he claimed something not at all self resolvable

Really depends, tbh.

Like, most classes here canā€™t be reliably faked by wolves, so thereā€™s some level of mech that can be used here.

I would want to know why he had claimed self-resolving

As I think Derps is probably V here.

His FPS isā€¦ kind of suicidal to do as scum considering how anti-neut these forums are.

this is where iā€™d claim self resolving if my name werenā€™t katze

eh, fuck it

im self resolving :slight_smile:

i still see no purpose for it

this is absolutely hypocritical coming from me

Itā€™s still extremely risky for scum to do, tbh.

i disagree?

he dropped it before it had much real risk

if the bleeding claim is real then that was the most risk he ever could have had D1

This is my read list so far.

  1. CRichard564 (pre-in) - Town although I understand some are going to disagree.
  2. katze - Tempted to put this as town. Though her reputation for memeing precedes her and is NAI.
  3. TheBlueElixir - This is my strongest town read as of now. His playstyle is indistinguishable from his previous town games with him.
  4. Anstreim - Town lean based on his paranoia regarding my slot.
  5. Alice - Slight village pings from this slot.
  6. Arete (pre-in) - Personally he is a slight scum lean because he scum read me same as Napoleon on flimsy grounds.
  7. Intensify - Non poster so null read.
  8. Italy - He seems to be trying harder than he did in his previous game in SFoL 61. Slightly village though Iā€™ll keep an eye on this slot as this can easily go into PoE.
  9. Napoleon :crown: - Iā€™m conflicted on this slot. Itā€™s tempting to say his pushiness earlier makes him look like GK, he can easily fake this as EK. Slight village read though Iā€™m paranoid about this slot being a power wolf.
  10. an_gorta_pratai - Hasnā€™t done much so in my PoE.
  11. ModeShifter - Iā€™m slightly town leaning this as he is acting similar to his town self in ToS 2. Though iā€™d like to see more from this slot.
  12. Appelsiini - Town leaning this slot based on her contrarian reads similar to previous game
    SFoL 61. Her hedginess on the other hand means she isnā€™t quite a town read.
  13. Jane - Slightly town lean based on her posts so far.
  14. SirDerpsAlot - Claimed mercenary then retracted it. Bleeding D1. This is in my PoE.
  15. Gaja1234 - Non poster so null read obviously.
  16. Clonedcheese - In my PoE due to their bad entrance joke claiming Scorned D1.

I feel like Iā€™m one of the only people who know what Mode is even though they have blatantly softed their class.


Donā€™t mind me, just posting this because Iā€™m on mobile and too lazy to scroll up.

Suppose thisā€™d also be a good time to tell you that I want to interact a little with you when I get home.

Jane how do you view cheese playing this game so far?

I mean, he hasnā€™t really been playing?

Heā€™s basically a null for me rn, hence my previous post.

His entrance seems out of character from how Iā€™ve seen him play in previous games with him. Thatā€™s why he is in my PoE as shown above.

the fact that itā€™s so painful to roll scum half my games has clearly impacted my ability to hide the difference between my scumgames and towngames

i could either take a break so i could try to collect what little sanity i have left and improve that problem or keep playing and suffering because iā€™m failing the one thing i want to do, and thatā€™s be a really hard to read player

good god
every day, my hair just grows longer
itā€™s already starting to actually get infront of my eyes instead of just being something i see if i look up

I mean, we could just switch accounts.

I can only imagine how painful that would be right now.

Alright, I have caught up once more so Iā€™ll present my opinions.

  • I think Napoleon is most likely town based on his RTs and interactions, however I still think we should be somewhat wary about his slot. Like seen in the last game, heā€™s still a capable powerwolf ā€“ at this stage of the game, it is entirely possible for him to be scum. Still, I liked his approach to the game so far because I think that his current mindset makes little sense from scumā€™s point of view, which is why Iā€™m fine with keeping him in my TLā€™s;
  • TBEā€™s response to said RTs was rather good too, not to mention that I liked the way he reacted to some of Napoleonā€™s questions himself. He also feels a little bit more confident in the thread compared to the last game, which isnā€™t necessarily AI, but something worth noticing. Like he doesnā€™t feel that he has to force himself anymore;
  • Italy talking about game-relevant things on D1 is a good look. Like Iā€™ve mentioned, I think town Italy becomes obvious so long as he plays ā€“ and right now, he seems to be doing just that. Slight TL for now, I think it will be easy to reach conclusion regarding his slot on D2;
  • Seth ā€“ well, I believe his claim that he can mechanically confirm himself (even if Iā€™m absolutely dissatisfied that he felt the need to reveal it so early), although I want to remind everyone to not take any mechanical information from Seth at face value until he either flips or confirms himself. I know for a fact that he has faked redchecks on town before, just because he was that confident about them;
  • Arete isā€¦ A bit strange. Some of their posts struck me as odd, but others were more or less fine, so I want to interact with them more. This post in particular felt very off to me:

@Arete When you get here, could you tell me where this came from? Is it just frustration/annoyance with Napoleon orā€¦?
  • Appel is still a slight TL for me for the reasons I explained above ā€“ that did not change overnight, though I suppose Areteā€™s statement is somewhat true: it did look like Appel has a tendency to disappear every time they tried to engage with them. Just like Arete, want more interactions from this slot for now;

Also, Iā€™m not surprised that SDAā€™s Mercenary claim was RT ā€“ however I think that his bleed was genuine.
He should probably be healed.

Thereā€™s no point in talking about it ā€“ even if itā€™s obvious. Any further discussion of softs works against us imo.
Speaking of which ā€“ donā€™t soft and donā€™t claim so early on. We did well with that last game, so we should be capable of doing the same here.

Suffer, nerd.
Get it cut if you can.