SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

oh sorry I spent a couple minutes making this and didn’t realize we were actually making serious posts now

Nah were past that phase

Now its the ans-is-going-to-look-back-on-this-poorly phase

you should prob HH (overload) a MM/NK candidate (depending on what italy flips) or deb (strings) a convert candidate into PoE

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Anyone wanna CFD

Or cc vessel

im vessel

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please believe me

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Also Intensify has all 3 jails still

]because he axed CRich as only jail

I’m priest

@Amelia @Marshal it’s time

uuuuh ok

i might do something stupid during the night


theres a few minutes left

not sure what we’re gonna do with them tho

we have like 8 minutes left, the day started at :19

doesn’t it end at 7:11 PM Central?

oh, I guess I am just anxious


Dont HH me/Jane/arete unless your confident in one of us scoom

Arete has already been done though :^)

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Day ends at 2020-05-31T00:19:00Z


i thiiiiink i know what im doing

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I dont

Good luck with whatever your plan is

HH cant stop a MF thought, so go on assassin/MM PoE people

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/vote katze

this is the gamer way to end the day