SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


If your reading this

Gl with your next game

Live and learn

Same with intensify, actually

I will redeem myself maybe next forum game that I am interested in

frostweaver is only possible if derps was healed N1 and then attacked N2

i donā€™t think thats a world we should even consider

Ans is convert at worst

But very well might be convert


I know this is a joke but for me to be the Frostweaver SDA would have to be healed on N1, and then I/scum would have to kill him on N2.
Which is probably the most terrible play one could make.

I feel bad for him but like, everyone sucks at scum when they start out, my first scum game I got tracked to the N2 nightkill and lynched D3 :upside_down_face:

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You guys suck at getting jokes

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Same here

we are in the same spot

actually, hiding its a frostweaver game until lategame would probably be really fucking good

Is Jane cleared?

Tbh I am starting to lose the will to play this round, but I will stick with it

I mean this doesnā€™t clear you

scum and town both have reason not to give up here (like, scum dying is obviously bad for them, particularly if theyā€™re NK)

jane is cleared of being NK


The fact that Frostweaver gets to bleed the visitors of their kill target for free is too huge to pass it up imo.
You are just giving up on free KP.

Jane cannot be NK

They can be unseen

i donā€™t disagree but if its ā€œmechanically not a frostweaver gameā€ and then frostweaver bleeds 2 people and kills 2 more at night suddenly everything is upsidedown

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but that also requires someone to have healed Derps, and no one is claiming a heal there

im talking theoretically

I think Areteā€™s response clears them of being MM

jane flirted arete so weā€™ll see what they say