SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

italy bled derps on N1

on D1*

so thats impossible

But Jane is our Priority because they are most probable MM.

also if i was N1 convert i’d have been an assassin when anstreim was bled

so double impossible

although if i were assassin i could have bled him myself :eyes:

You mean reduce our numbers even further, when we still have tools to deal with this if Jane is lynched today and somehow flips town – which I don’t believe after reevaluation.
My intent with HMing you was to snipe you in case you were the N1 convert, without any risk at killing town in the process – because you would have no reason to visit Intensify to begin with.

This is a situation where the risk doesn’t outweigh the reward – the only valid point here is that I could’ve confirmed myself to TBE per my visit.

Arete was SF’d by Napoleon on N1.
This could only happen if they were Stonewalled and converted on the same night which is… Pretty unlikely.

and my bleed would have been fake

which i guess only i know the truth in this regard, but why would i fake a D2 bleed if i were the N1 convert as opposed to… telling the assa to bleed someone

either way

katze is not the n1 convert
katze is a puppeter

Katze is the NK* :^)

i wish

No that’s Gorta or Arete.

arete mechanically cant be the NK

Who follows mechanics. :joy:

Arete literally cannot be NK.
The NK pool is Kat/Gorta, period.


I’d beg to differ

For the same reasons Arete isn’t a bad SF target, their not a bad convert

The stonewall was there to stop that SF

i mean mechanics are solving this entire game

the NK is 99.9% gorta (because i know its not me)

if gorta is somehow not NK then NK is gonna win 100% because im the only other person in the consensus NK PoE

I would argue about that but I guess you are right.
Still, it would require SDA to still Stonewall Arete after he kept nudging Napoleon into SFing them, after I outed that I was going to Bear and told Napoleon that he should choose on his own.

It all depends on how confident SDA was that his plan was going to work tbf.


arete cant be the N1 convert

This is very likely


unless the MM is exactly TBE and the n3 convert is exactly Jane