SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!



I think heā€™s usually a null until someone pushes him into town

or until he reveals as mayor

I told this to Napoleon but I never read deep into his messages when I spectate, and doing so while Iā€™m playing resulted in me scumreading him, so yeah.
But this discussion is irrelevant. I think youā€™d probably be capable of handling yourself.

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Enough about CRich, i just meant to make a comparison that doesnā€™t really matter

Kat/Jane, what do you think of each other?

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i think theyā€™re pretty cool

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would you nightkill them n1

What do you think Janeā€™s class/alignment is

idk id prob use a random number generator to do a n1 kill because id be indecisive

or listen to my MM if i were assassin

unless my MM was a pleb, then id use a random number generator and justify the choice somehow

well the MM PoE is Jane/Anstreim (because fmpov, gorta is NK - not MM)

i stillā€¦ kinda lean it being anstreim

If you decided the lynch where you go

iā€™d like to reevaluate a few things before i pick a name from those two

@napoleon whos idea was it to RT crichard, and can you paraphrase some things anstreim said about it?


Anstreim announced suspicion on CRichard and had him as his 1st/2nd in line for PoE.
SirDerpsALot agreed with it.
At this time I still wasnā€™t settled on wolf!CRich but Anstreim and SDA convinced me to reevaluate.
I came to the conclusion that CRichard was probably a wolf.
I asked Anstreim to reaction test and we both started to plan it out, with SDA as a sideline.

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This actually reminds me that SDA never conducted the RT he was supposed to do.
But not like it matters anymore.

Also Nappy, could I get your opinion on our current PoE + threadstate + Katā€™s posts?

We be gaming

What do people think of a

Jane lynch into Kat jail axe?

Also if we lynch Jane and Jane flips MM cloned gets another HH tonight

Andā€¦ I suppose I get another cult spies?

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Bounty would probably be inefficient in this case and would likely directly harm us.

I like katā€™s recent posts because it feels like a towny perspective is leaking through.

I think at this point of time, the most reliable reads are gonna come from Intensifyā€™s push. Who felt like they had a scummy agenda behind it?

I think Jane is a possible MM, gorta is naturally a suspect but they feel very very towny to me and they are also in their town meta so Iā€™m a bit hesistant.

I wonā€™t have much time to play in the next couple of days btw.

DA is great but useless in lylo

Confessional would be neat ngl

But id probably grab a cult spy

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Disagree with this to be honest.
A few of his posts look like LAMIST to me, not to mention there are a few others where it looks like heā€™s trying to get out of being jailed but like I said I might be tunneling him, so.

I think Gorta has more chances of being the NK than MM but he switched places with Kat to me.

Thatā€™s a shame.