SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Intensify can’t be blocked today


This has to contain two wolves, right?

This where things get tricky

We have 1-2 more wolves as well

TBE … could be Mastermind…

Hmm but probably not?

I doubt that

but yeah, I have been a suspect all game and barely getting by with no chance to prove myself

…okay I finally started the katze Iso For Real and holy shit I think he might actually be a wolf

marking specific posts to come back to so I can figure out if this is just tinfoil or if there’s more to it

angry noises

this is like

actually wolfy

why did I not re-read earlier

none of kat’s progression on anything makes sense

I can’t wait to see your case

tbh im depressed about that too

why can’t I just post like a normal person :confused:

hit me with it

i can prob explain it all if I remember what my brain was thinking at that time


when I wrote that I hadn’t even gotten to some of the weirdest shifts!!

what do you mean you’re not done reading my ISO its only 1800 posts and you’ve only been reading it for an hour

I’ve been reading it for a lot more than an hour

tbf I keep getting distracted by the cookie thread

like ive said 100000 times

lynch me today

ill accept an HH tonight too, i guess

do not, under any circumstances, jail and execute me

altho if you think im mind flayer this doesn’t do much


I finally reached the end of kat’s Iso

now I need to actually, like


Jesus Christ it’s 4:30 AM