SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

what if I just copypaste my notes and trust the rest of you to figure out what they mean :upside_down_face:

this is a perfect plan with 0 flaws

if it saves your sleep schedule ill decipher them

Nothing could ever go wrong with that

i mean

i would like arete to not have an awful sleep schedule and thatā€™s entirely unrelated to the game

but i also donā€™t know if they write good notes


I definitely should have noted this down when I was, you know, reading through your 1800 posts, but did you ever out what your N1 action was?

intensify > gorta

i explained it a bit earlier

but i was gonna redirect gaja but i assumed 0 poster had a higher chance of no-actioning than a low poster

katze is a wolf :joy_cat: :joy_cat: :joy_cat:

also her Iso is >1800 posts, which makes her an IRL wolf


Iā€™m really tired (unsurprisingly, given that itā€™s almost 5 AM) so this might not be maximally coherent, but there are a bunch of things I picked up on reading through her Iso that make me think sheā€™s a wolf

uh if you donā€™t want to read the whole thing the first folder and the last folder are the most relevant, the others are like ā€˜yeah this is wolfyā€™ but not ā€˜YOU ARE WOLF JOYCAT JOYCAT JOYCATā€™

I could definitely feel the confbias setting in as I read her Iso but I think Iā€™m actually right this time

weird progression/trying to keep the PoE as wide as possible/agenda(tm)

Overall, katzeā€™s progression on various slots this game has been extremely questionable and essentially feels like sheā€™s trying to preserve as many mislynches as possible (while also being boxed in by her previous townreads on people)

(she adds Jane to this list in 973)

Iā€™m mostly quoting this for reference as a ā€œstartingā€ point for katzeā€™s reads in order to track how they change

itā€™s hard for me to be 100 percent unbiased because a lot of her weird progression was on me but I think itā€™s pretty possible for other people to read her posts and draw the same conclusions Iā€™m seeing?

progression on Appel

this is where she first starts considering Appel, for reasons that essentially boil down to ā€˜Nappy (and Alice) scumread herā€™ (despite previously having her as town)

heā€™d had a long Iso on her in 2295 that came out with a townlean but itā€™s really long so Iā€™m not going to post the full thing

ā€¦So then we get these three posts.

n.b. the above comes shortly after a reactiontest on Appel in katzeā€™s Iso.

THESE POSTS ARE SO BAD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOW DID I NOT NOTICE THIS BEFORE. Like. We have katze (in response to a reactiontest on Appel!!) saying that she might be town, then voting her, then when called out on it saying that the previous read was a joke. Like ā€¦ I know kat memes a lot, but that read really does not look like a joke in-context.

I am ā€¦ very tired, so at this point Iā€™m going to start just giving post numbers from my notes and you can do the rest on your own

why did I write this section last

progression on me

okay so basically:
kat had me as town/likely town throughout most of D1 and D2

my notes specifically point out the towncore above, 2433, 5163, 5382 as posts where he repeatedly expressed this sentiment (all D1/D2)

the first place where he really questions my slot is D3, in 6423 (IIRC thatā€™s where he first tinfoils me as NK but Iā€™m not positive of that and at this point I just want to get this wallpost done)

6491 he lists PoE as me/Gorta/Cheese/Intensify (n.b. the D3 mislynch is not in this PoE but he doesnā€™t do anything really to change the wagons later)

then in 6836 and 6863 (after his RT) heā€™s very confident that Iā€™m never NK

then in 7335 he brings up the tinfoil when Iā€™m MF who checked him

next two posts Iā€™m pretty sure are important based on my notes so Iā€™m going to actually quote them

ā€¦so you would expect, based on this, that if we can only afford to bounty printer if I flip scum

and if I can only flip scum in one particular hyperspecific circumstance

that the logical conclusion would be to not lynch me


ā€¦yeah no in 9597 heā€™s back to wanting to bounty printer, or at least being okay with a bounty printer

also 8428 is a kind of wolfy deflection of responsibility onto Napoleon when Napoleon is not responsible for katā€™s reads

progression on Ans

God Iā€™m so tired


the short version of this is ā€˜katze was convinced for almost the entire game that Ans was never starting W/W with CRich, then randomly changed his mind for no clear reasonā€™

Iā€™m just going to copy relevant postnumbers from my notes (I think some of the postnums might have gotten messed up, unfortunately, hopefully the posts are still findable)

1143 - suddenly scumreads Ans (who he previously had as a top townread??)
3949 - Ans town if CRich scum
5189 - Ans town based on ToL meta
5382 - has me as likely town, Ans as even higher (note: obviously the second part is the important part here)
7916 - first mention of Ans W
8339 + 8343 - fearmongering about Ans randomly bussing CRich for no reason?
10352 - pushing an MM!Ans narrative
10411 - MM is Gorta/Ans
10627 - Ans bussed CRich

like it is not at all clear how he got from ā€˜Ans is town, and also never W/W with CRichā€™ to ā€˜actually Ans is starting Mastermindā€™

progression on Jane

7954 - Jane is never MM - contrast with today
11450 - MM is Jane over Ans
he essentially went from ā€˜Jane is never MMā€™ to ā€˜Jane is MM over Ansā€™ with the only change being rereading the bit where the two of them donā€™t get to be confirm-printered

once again thereā€™s not really a clear indication of what caused this

the thing I notice in particular about his reads on Jane and Ans is that heā€™s pushing Ans fairly hard until there starts being meaningful resistance, then switches to Jane (who people in the thread were a lot more willing to vote)

Iā€™m too tired to explain this properly but basically it feels like he was just trying to get one of them lynched and settled on the one that was easier

CRich interactions

This one is less ā€˜kat is a wolfā€™ and more ā€˜kat is not necessarily clear,ā€™ but given that this is one of the main things heā€™s been using as an argument I figured I should probably address it? I donā€™t think the kat/CRich interactions clear him, the obvious reason they donā€™t clear him is that he could be the NK or a convert but I also ā€¦ donā€™t think the interactions clear him

like if we look at her D1 and early D2 she was soft-defending CRich

and not taking a stance on CRich

and soft-defending CRich some more

now obviously villagers can be wrong, Appel was wrong on CRich and she was a villager, but katā€™s been trying to use his interactions with CRich to clear him and they ā€¦ donā€™t? Like, yes, katā€™s followup reactiontest on CRich made him even more lockscum than he already was, but he was already pretty lockscum, and kat isnā€™t 100 percent anti-bussing or anything

possible TMI

less sure about this one than some of the others but a couple of katā€™s posts stuck out to me as potential TMI

in particular:

it seems weird to me that she never once thought that hardclaiming a bounty on me could go wrong if TBE was fake

like, we hadnā€™t fully done a massclaim yet, itā€™s easy to say 'Nappy would have always just handled it the next day but ā€¦ me flipping V with no Bounty and kat getting shot for it doesnā€™t seem to be a world she even considered? not totally sure on this one since itā€™s consistent with what she was saying about TBE in the rest of her posts but

This one is a lot more damning in my opinion ā€“ like, katā€™s been talking for most of the day about how Gorta is basically lock NK from her point of view, and thatā€™s ā€¦ not really consistent with that post?? like, from a V!katze PoV Gorta shouldnā€™t be a mislynch? this one feels like a genuine perspective slip

reactiontests (I couldn't think of a better header for this one, obviously not all RTs are wolfy)

so the thing thatā€™s wolfy about how katā€™s been doing reactiontests this game is that she mostly hasnā€™t ā€¦ been doing anything with them? with the exception of her D3 RT on me (which she proceeded to ignore) she hasnā€™t really been using them to solve, it feels like sheā€™s just been doing them for the sake of doing them, because itā€™s what we expect of her

Iā€™m too lazy to actually quote all of them since itā€™s 5 AM in the morning, but a few I noted down post numbers for:

  • 3671 - fake redcheck on Appel
  • 7285 - Mauler CCing Italy
  • 10575 - claiming convert with Gorta NK
  • 11439 - Alice copypasta

the latter two of these are actively pointless at best, the former two could sort of have a point but she never actually does anything with them, like, sheā€™s not really using peopleā€™s responses to solve (to the extent she uses Appelā€™s to solve she then ā€¦ claims her read on Appel as a result was a joke??). itā€™s not that kat never does kind of pointless RTs as a villager but when sheā€™s a villager she usually actually looks at peopleā€™s reactions, like in SFoL 61 the first time around when she tried to read me based on my reaction to her alch fakeclaim.

not caring at EoDs

This one is actively hard to quote posts relating to it but basically, if I re-read your posts around EoDs you donā€™t seem particularly ā€¦ invested? ā€¦ caring about? ā€¦ who we actually lynch, which given that we coasted to a lynch on a villager both days with barely even a CW is kind of not a good look

Like on D2, CRich tries to quickhammer Appel and the most you say about it is ā€˜hmmm,ā€™ on D3 youā€™re memeing around and self-voting at EoD

Neither of those is consistent with actually caring about the lynch, because wolves donā€™t have to care about either lynch ā€“ regardless of who the wolves are, they were never in danger at EoD

her handling of today

okay I am kind of running out of energy to write this but, given that we basically always lose if we donā€™t lynch scum today unless we get ridiculously lucky, her essentially asking to be lynched when we canā€™t afford a mislynch is scummy (in the sense that itā€™s the sort of thing wolves do because they think it looks townie to not care if they live or die, when town ā€¦ cares about that)

like we pretty much need to lynch and jailexe the NK and Mastermind in some order today and tonight to have a chance

I get that she thinks being jailed with no nightkills is a bad look for (which tbf it is, regardless of her alignment) but town here should never be asking to be lynched


Right now, looking at everyone in the game, the Mastermind PoE is, based purely on mechanics:

  • Gorta
  • Ans
  • Jane
  • kat
  • technically TBE

and the NK PoE is

  • Gorta
  • kat
  • technically TBE

the former is kind of wide (which is why we have things like reads :upside_down_face:) but the latter is pretty narrow

the biggest mechanical thing going for her is the Puppeteer day ability but we actually just canā€™t treat everyone whoā€™s offered to mechconfirm themself as mechconfirmed if they didnā€™t actually do it because that pool is everyone

also she was jailed with no nightkills :upside_down_face:

this took me like six-plus hours to write (counting time to read katā€™s Iso)


am not going to have time to do all of these before EoD

I stayed up until 6:30 AM writing this, what is wrong with me


/vote kat

before i respond to any of this since youā€™ll be long asleep by the time i do

go the fuck to sleep why are you awake its 6:30AM

next time you rand wolf write fewer posts :upside_down_face:

big postcounts are NAI for me

you should know this

either way ill keep that in mind for my next wolf game, but it doesnā€™t change that in this town game i wrote a lot of posts


wallposts = locktown

take it back :angry:

this was a part of the RT

how do you expect me to make someone fall for a RT if itā€™s obviously a RT

my name is fucking katze, if thereā€™s a shroud of doubt that what im saying is false people will assume itā€™s false

i donā€™t really care if you believe me, but i assure you, that was 100% a RT

i first tinfoiled it in N2 allies chat with napoleon

this is when i first thought about the possibility that you could have TMI with me being K/O, not S/I - and it would also be the only case where you could nightkill through a HH

i donā€™t understand this, given i was not the one who bountied you?

we discussed a plan, and at the time i agreed that you had NK equity

going into N2 i didnā€™t think you had very much NK equity but there were good points brought up

me HHing you and not disagreeing to bounty you is on me, but pointing out that napoleon was a large reason why the ā€˜arete NKā€™ read started in the first place is me pointing out fact

itā€™s called reevaluation

also thereā€™s clearly a reason, you pointed out the reason

the reason is right here

i reevaluated the PoE, and realized my reason for misclearing anstreim may have had a hole in it

i mentioned it in N2 allies chat as well to napoleon, but i didnā€™t talk about it too much there because it was only a developing thought at that point

i also wrote all 3 of these posts before reading back and realizing that i had likely miscleared jane because i misremembered things

and upon talking to napoleon iā€™ve put away the ā€œanstreim is MMā€ tinfoils


because i remembered it way differently than it actually happened

i thought there were more posts from jane that came off as a similar mindset that i felt in that situation

and upon realizing there were only a few, i realized my reasoning for misclearing jane was bad

if that were my goal why even mention the possibility that anstreim might be a wolf when that is a much harder opinion to convince others of than ā€œjane wā€

i overrelied on trying to meta read someone who has never had a wolf game

this was a mistake

i try to avoid it

the only time i can think of where i was willing to do it on the forums was in vanilla nightless because getting towncred there made sense cause i couldnt be nightkilled

this is actually false

one of the post numbers that i kept referencing was in regards to me and TBE claim swapping

you obviously canā€™t know that but i brought it up multiple times because i started to realize that, if TBE is actually faking the bounty, iā€™d get fucked for it

id find exactly which number it is but if i open another page then id get yelled at for ā€œthis draft is open in another windowā€ and go fucking insane

more of an oversight than anything

i was (and still am) more focused on MM hunting

i (wrongly) found her reaction to this one wolfy and it was part of why i ended up sticking with the appel lynch

his reaction was fine there wasnt anything to say ā€“ the test was mostly pointless because i conducted it

these were because i was bored and wanted to laugh

i mean

it was part of why i wanted appel

but aight

i did aaaaa

people dont give me good reactions half of the time anymore

i cant read into nothingness

because he was an outted wolf
everything he does is WIFOM
i incorrectly chose to ignore his vote

i was pretty confident italy was gonna flip W and i had little to say

nobody else was really saying anything either and i am not good at starting discussion

i am asking to NOT be jail executed

the alternative to that is likely me being incorrectly lynched

and i am saying

to do that

over the vessel losing their axes

not my fault the vessel openwolfed and wasted my day ability

if theres anything else i shoud have replied to lmk because im currently going insane because my fucking cat keeps crying at a bug and its a mild sensory overload

I still think Kat should be dying over Gorta every time here.
Iā€™d actually prefer to lynch him today and jail/execute Jane, but TBE and Cloned have already tagged Jane so this isā€¦ a thing.

Regardless, just look at Katā€™s posts today on your own and compare them to Gortaā€™s ā€“ a lot of his arguments pinged me wrong. Some of them sounded like shade, a couple were LAMIST, there was also that logic of me not considering myself as an attack target and it somehow being a scumslip (which I still donā€™t understand whatsoever?).
I said so before but at this point Iā€™m 70% convinced Gorta is actually legitimate and itā€™s Kat in this situation canā€™t wait to be wrong and for this to bite me.

I guess Gorta could be in MM PoE but that means CRichard intentionally scumleaned and shaded him right off the bat which I still find to beā€¦ unlikely?

But yeah, I would personally just:
Lynch Kat
Jail/Execute Jane
Narrow down the rest of scum tomorrow and finish the game (since there should be 2 at most, meaning as long as we get even one, itā€™s either an instant win or the last convert eventually gets singled out).

If Katze isnā€™t the NK then we are screwed regardless

I do think we should lynch Katze here though. It clears me of being the NK if Katze flips NK and I can possibly stop a kill tonight (in addition to Seth and Nappy). /vote Katze

I remember looking over that post (when I quoted it) and wondering about it myself because it didnā€™t make much sense, but I think it was late and I was going to sleep, so I didnā€™t follow it through.
Iā€™m a bit surprised that very few people even questioned CRichradā€™s attempt to hammer Appel, especially when SDA was preaching that she should still be a lynch from the side but yeah. I might need to scroll up later and see who it was precisely that swapped off from her/seriously discussed it.

Also I feel bad for you having to ISO someone with 1.8k posts.

I mean, this tinfoil somewhat makes sense, he couldā€™ve just been re-reading your posts and theorizing, so thatā€™s where the whole ā€œArete is a Mind Flayer who checked meā€ tinfoil comes from.

The whole situation with Bounty was a mess, because at first he had a plan, but quickly realized that said plan was flawed (i.e. TBE as a theoretical N2 convert could still use Bounty, hence why it wouldnā€™t 100% clear him), but yeah.

I think I actually missed this bit because I donā€™t remember it at all, so Iā€™m just going to go back and check that post out.
Iā€™ve already stated why I think ā€œGorta is MMā€ theory doesnā€™t make much sense to me.

CRichardā€™s interactions with Kat were discussed more or less before, and I think we came to a conclusion that they could theoretically be W/W but I still think that in this situation, Kat would have to be the N1 convert ā€“ which is a tinfoil, but a possibility. But to be honest, I donā€™t think their interactions tell us that much. None of them do, since CRichard was basically outed scum after my RT ā€“ at the very start of D2.

Iā€™m actually dissatisfied with the fact that I barely get to participate in EoDs since I ā€œfixedā€ my sleeping schedule, but I noticed it as well and it has been bothering me. Both of our lynches were consensus ā€“ I guess this could tie into our PoE not being contrarian the whole game but yeah. As I said Iā€™ll go check out Appelā€™s lynch/next SoD because there might possibly be something that I missed.

I think just ISOing him today would be enough, but I can point out all the posts that stuck out to me. There were quite a bit, although:

This somewhat reminds me of the Appel situation, and Appel flipped town ā€“ but admittedly, it was at a much earlier stage of the game. Iā€™m still unsure what to make out of this, because I can see the whole ā€œlynch me todayā€ play coming from both sides.
Either a posturing NK/Convert, or actual Town unwilling to get lynched ā€“ but I donā€™t think Kat is town here.
So yeah, I think this argument is more or less NAI.

Mechanics are one of the main reasons Gorta/Kat are in this PoE to begin with so yeah.

Donā€™t vote yet, if someone else votes then scum might potentially quickhammer if we have 3.
Also we need to wait for Intensify to confirm that he has Jane/whoever jailed if we are doing this.