SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I think you haven’t done anything unfakeable

also I sniff something off with your tone

maybe im insane but something don’t feel right

I want to say something but it would probably me -EV for me to do that.
So, I see. If you want to point out which posts have particularly weird tone, you can still do that.


Im not going to treat you as this is your second game

im going to pretend you have vastly more experience then me

but ight Ill try to find where the thing is that doesn’t sit right

@Napoleon add me to allies or throwing

Technically I do have more experience than you in ToL but not in FoL.

Also I find it somewhat hilarious that in my first game, people like Napoleon said I was consensus TR’d off of being active as a newb and other people thought I was a deepwolf.


I’ve just been in this time before.

Also @clonedcheese

Where are you?

And finally, @ChopChop

Please don’t reveal your class yet.

Also, try to sort the nulls if you can.

I guess the problem is paranoia, or maybe its the lack of something

let me try to propose how the latter works out, I suddenly want to entertain it

you try and give your thoughts in paragraphs like these:

they are all over your ISO. The thing I don’t see you forcing folks to ANSwer(sorry) to questions that I don’t understand exactly, and I don’t see why your not interrogating people. You state what you think a lot and I have a tendency to agree but I don’t know why your not trying to drag answers out of people, expecially when more people have been around more.

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I haven’t been asking as many questions because I feel like in the first thread, my presence basically dominated it throughout the days – I think I even mentioned it as well during D2.
In this game, I’ve been trying to take a step back and observe how people behave on their own.

Also, in our first game, like you remember there was very little substance during D1. I latched onto your entrance and Gorta’s entrance because we didn’t have that much to discuss, while in this game people have actually been doing things. Admittedly, I also jumped on CRichard because his initial posts were stiff and I wasn’t the only one who noticed it, but it’s a different story.
Also, majority of first game’s D2 felt like we were going nowhere. In this game, I think we have quite a bit to work with and I plan to discuss it at EoD.


game 1, you dominated thread with nappy, asking questions and latching onto little substance

game 2, more substance so less need for questions

is that right?

While also trying to generate discussion instead of forcing it, but yes.

More substance, deeper look into interactions between different people, therefore less need for me to be loud.

alright, fair enough

your reasoning behind your actions is still your actions though, you can stay with kat in ‘upper’ PoE


That is to say, I’m not planning to completely stop interacting with people.
In fact, there are select few who I want to talk with more today.

my favorite place to be

…you were bled??

Are you saying you were bled right now?
That’s… Interesting.

why does Cultists hate noots


id assume its this

though I can see a gscum world where their telling me to back down

do any NKs have bleeds