SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

What happened D:
SFoL 61 you guys did so much better


i was prepped for SFoL 61.75


ans and kat were wolves

we eliminated the null class and cult spied two town


if you have anything to say say it to me privately

otherwise have a good day, i don’t really care

We were so sure that Arete was SF’d

it almost happened thanks to vul :eyes:

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If I had to rerand this again I stg lmao

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If another rerand happened I’d probably roll NK :^)

thats what im referencing

I’m also happy that we only needed 1 replacement

(which we could have avioided all together if intensify didn’t give a false go-ahead on gaja’s slot but w/e)


aaaa SDA did SW Arete


my reads didn’t get better

but I kinda liked this game

much better then my other losses

mainly because I can just not blame myself :^)

I should have seen this tbh

Yes sir

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good game!

yes he did

gamer play

good work SDA you got bled and died early but still heavily contributed to the unseen winning

I played really badly as town

slightly better as scum but

also my family is calling me, I’ll have actual thoughts later


did you have any nights of allies without scoom


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N.1, Founder and Chairman.