SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

if everyone could take a moment in classcard to vote for me ive got unparalleled devotion and if I get enough votes I can GT and win trust me it’ll be great

you claimed merc as sellsword and then tried to intimidate the NK

the ToL player in me wants to rip you in half


I rarely get scum and I rarely get converted

I told you that I can’t read you before, didn’t I. You are an enigma to me.
Also, did you seriously scumread me/CRichard right off the bat when you claimed us as your ‘contracts’?

To be fair you softed vessel to me cuz I was looking for vessel

you get scum as much as anyone else

someone is scum

I was hoping I could intimidate the vessel and give Crich another day

Never would have guessed intensify tho

i tried to push on appel hard because i hit them DI on N1 and wanted free towncred

and then crichard was outted wolf and i was like wait FUCK GO BACK and it was too late

and then they flipped mauler and i was like THANK GOD


third real thought

town collectively played … poorly (to be clear, I’m including myself-for-the-three-days-I-was-town), on both a mechanical and a social level)

I don’t want to call out anyone in particular but town’s play this game can basically be summarized as:

  • ‘this hypothetical COULD IN THEORY be true, so I’m going to assume that it is and tunnel people on the basis that it is, in the face of all counterevidence’
  • N1: /Frozen Blood Anstreim (more generally, questionable use of mechanical abilities, such as me protecting a wolf N1, Alice protecting a scum-sided neut N1, Nappy and Gorta successfully protecting a wolf N5, Vul empowering the NK, lolBounty, etc.
  • overreliance on mechanics, leading to kat being miscleared for the fact that he could have confirmed himself even though he didn’t and me being miscleared despite me borderline-openwolfing the last three days
  • multiple of the mislynched villagers not bothering to defend themself
  • everyone ignoring literally any evidence that didn’t fit with their worldview (correct or incorrect), such as when CRich openwolf-hammer-attempted Appel and several people who thought they were W/W didn’t move their votes

That was rand

Like 100% rng

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I do have trouble explaining it, but my gut is usually dead on

Bruh we were talking about boats and shit

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I still find it extremely bizarre that I was the only person who actively questioned it.

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because in Allies I was like ‘I’ll be on Napoleon, Gorta be on me’

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…i didnt even catch onto that LMAO

i was just like “we’re gaysons” and went with whatever you said

im dumb af

I did everything I could to push the Appel lynch thwir lmao

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I mean the fact that I tried to hammer Appel should have been a warning sign for everyone.

I knew they were town




Broke: Arete was a great player for the wolfteam when they were converted

Woke: Arete was a great player for the wolfteam all game

I jest I jest

you sniffed out crich immediately so props to you