SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

No, if we didn’t stop the kill on Arete

katze would have won

I wasn’t there on time to GR him before Seth and katze were online

Kat was out of sword of damocles
You would have won


Now that we’re here, we can do it.

it would have been final 5 with 3 cult, NK, and scum neut

town woulda won

I should have known that the SF was stopped after Derps pushed for it

If you think about it
This was just like Guard the Champion

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I am still waiting for the day I get a proper wolf game

i think i know what you mean

at some point i was just trying to powerwolf but also do it sorta subtly

blame marshal :wink:

but now stopping the arbiter :^)

SFoL 60 was too town sided and Bastard++ got cancelled on the first day


So first of all, can you talk to me about how you were trying to approach the game? Like, what were you trying to achieve with your posts?

I was trying to act like I do as town.

I still haven’t got a proper chance to play a cult faction in FoL/SFoL that wasn’t super town sided

and I don’t ever see myself getting converted over someone like Ans or Arete


How did you go about doing that? Like, when you wrote each post, what were you trying to achieve, and how did you try to achieve it?

but you see gorta, vulgard contemplated converting me in my first game for some reason

hilariously the scummiest thing i did earlygame was absent from aretes wallpost

im not gonna point it out but i think chloe would pick up on it :wink: