SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Im not expanding!

does this look like im angry im not angry

Their tone was NAI to you, so want to elaborate?

im just gonna stop thinking about it

youā€™re [REDACTED] and youā€™re gonna like it

or youā€™re FPSing which i still find slightly more likely

Ah, I see youā€™re a man of the mech-clearing.

Refer to these posts:

On that last point, I also liked her recent posts. If you want me to I can go and get specific ones.

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I never said his tone is NAI.
I asked you if you think his tone is NAI, Jane has been a TL for me for a bit.

Also I have a tinfoil that I know what he is but Iā€™m not going to elaborate.

I cant lie if I never put my foot deep enough into the water

though despite me having no clue what you think but I wont push this

Also about that specific quote above, I pointed out that the posts you thought are AI read as NAI to me.


hes FPSing cause im a neut :woman_shrugging:

you can do better

yeah im too hungry to think of a convincing FPS

Ah, thatā€™s fair enough.

Itā€™s not that I want to mech clear him, but it would be suicide for him to say that as scum imo ā€“ no offense to Seth.
If it turns out that he cannot confirm himself heā€™ll just go to the chopping block and you saw how he played in the last two games where he was scum. Very meek and barely appearing in the thread, I doubt heā€™d attract unwanted attention to himself if that claim wasnā€™t true.


Jane give me your most recent scum game

Man I know I donā€™t need to say this

But I really wanted EK this game


[quote=ā€œZone_Q11, post:3963, topic:81472ā€]

You are seriouslynope, a Plaguebearing Survivor


Special Mechanic 1:
Each night each player may decide to guess your identity.
If they are incorrect, they die bypassing all protections.
If they are correct, you die bypassing all protections and the guesser will get 1-Shot Day Vigilante Shot OR 1-Shot Strongman Cop Check for immediate use. (Their choice.)
In case of multiple correct guesses, the first winner will be picked.

Special Mechanic 2:
You know all Members of the Mafia.

Special Mechanic 3:
Every Night, you will obtain the choice to be peeked as any role and alignment of your choice to all investigative roles. If you donā€™t choose one, then itā€™ll default to your last choice.

Ability: Infect
Every Night, you may visit a player and infect them. Whoever visits that player and whoever that player visits will get infected as well.

Infect everyone AND survive until the Final 5. By achieving victory, everyone will die and you will be the sole winner of the game.


Qoute isnā€™t working and I donā€™t know why :frowning:

Most recent is technically SFoL 57 but I doubt thatā€™ll satify your needs.

Why is that