SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Which really isn’t easy to find rn

what does your TRs section look like?

Oh cool someone agrees with me.

inb4 the wolves are all in the lowposters again zzz

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gajaja hard carries games

Also I guess another point could be that his FPS is downright suicidal as scum but it literally makes no sense from town perspective either.

I don’t care what you think :slight_smile:

Because I’m an EK

The Emperor doesn’t wanna share

His FPS is part of it but I’m analyzing it beyond from what you are doing.


Is this a “nice” way of saying that I’m not smart enough to understand your intentions.

Only TBE is smart enough for that

I feel insulted.

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just a megamind at work

but XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to doubt ans couldn’t get it

You’re pretty observant Ans. Maybe you can figure it out. Don’t lose sleep on it though.


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I kinda think Ans making that mistake makes Gorta/Anstreim less likely because as partners, Ans would be more aware of what Gorta was doing in the thread (and actively lying about that is dumb)

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I still have Ans as nulltown. What about you

shut up n0 convert

If I don’t figure it out before EoD, I’ll look into it at night.
Although I already have one theory, in which case my post looks extremely stupid – but what’s done is done.

I’m like 600 posts behind

I can answer questions when I am not 600 posts behind anymore