SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Have you reevaluated during the night? Do you have any prominent thoughts on Appel and Jane at all?

/vote Arete

I was under impression he was talking about RT very early into the thread where he claimed to TL CRichard and then rescinded it, but like I said I basically glanced over it.
So Iā€™m waiting for his clarification.

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i mean im completely fine with following her on cloned

im a bit less sure about the appel one as my wallpost so eloquently says

but the king also seems to want appels head and my appel read isnt the most confident thing ever

alice having such a lackluster showing on D1 and dying N1 makes me think its more likely to be a SPK but ignoring her reads definitely did town no favors in insurgency

Sheā€™s the Neutral Killer.

During the night I came to the conclusion that Jane is probably town

her thoughts look to be fairly free-flowing/un-forced here also volume tells say sheā€™s town

w.r.t Appel, her early D1 was kind of ping-y still, but her later posts are better, there are other players I would usually lynch before Appel today

ā€¦why do I feel like you have a difference check on them and thatā€™s why you ask

thatā€™sā€¦ specific

thatā€™s right

i already said this reee

/accuse Appelsiini

i had the opposite opinion

archdeacon can actually get more scepters by tagging

Archdeacon canā€™t tag

archdeacon canā€™t tag

I canā€™t tag


derps going in saying ā€˜I have infoā€™ and comes out as a TR

justā€¦ accept it rn

their not ordered but sure

appel does have a lack of posts, but im not going to use that as evidence. What she did post involved fighting thread for CRich, which she got SLā€™d for, but that didnā€™t really deserve it. I kinda related to that sort of position because Ive had it before and thought that deserved a d1 TL


I want more from her real-time

the one where nappy wanted to vessel to exe him. I thought the reaction was p similar to my fake redcheck one from last game

Is that all you got from Janeā€™s slot on D1?
What do you think of the fact that they felt ā€˜strainedā€™ and cautious at the start of the day, but more or less reverted to their normal self later on?

And what do you think about the fact that her activity dropped off a whole lot in the second part of the day?

I am not talking about my information until the person I want to post talks in the thread, period.

We call that ā€œNeutral Killerā€ behavior.

i did a thing last night that also gave me an interesting result