SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I claimed to occupy you yes.

Arete how convinced are you that CRich is wolf?

it seems very likely at this point

however I am not voting in order to prevent a quickhammer

you keep saying you occed me but i was not occupied because i got my invest results

what say you

If everyone wants me to I can just unvote now, but we are very far off from actual quickhammer.

Letā€™s vote the NK!

/vote Appelsiini

if the scum wanna quickhammer Id join

Iā€™m not Arete but the fact that heā€™s still claiming an Offensive who supposedly occupied Kat ā€“ who wasnā€™t occupied ā€“ is telling.


I donā€™t mind that, since I already tagged.

/accuse Appelsiini

I fake claimed occupy as I thought you were a K/O class with occupy immunity. I was looking for your reaction to it.


you what

HAH! Hahahahaha

Can we jail execute CRichard?


occ immune scum

that visited kat

kat, no matter CRichā€™s flip you will likely be incriminated by it

what say you?

ā€˜I was reactiontestingā€™ is not a ā€˜get out of scummy behavior freeā€™ card

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okay i retract that entire fucking RT

i donā€™t think any more needs to be said, i rest my case

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Jail execute CRichard

Did I ever give the impression thatā€™s what I thought?

religious intent