SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I can’t believe it took you so long to figure it out. Aren’t you supposed to be a nerd?

:eyes: Why is nerd supposed to be bad?

It’s… not?

Well no it’s not. Yet the word nerd is used as an insult. Which I don’t understand why.

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CRich, I have a question.
Why did you decide to out as a scum-aligned Neutral?

To let people know they are wasting their time on me. They are wasting time on me if they either execute me in the day or by the Vessel.

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Sorry I roped you into defending a neutral Appel.

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Intensify is a neutral claim and I also claim neutral.

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That makes no sense. People were already suspecting you, so wouldn’t it be beneficial for you to make town waste a day?

What’s Crich claim

You didn’t rope them into anything though? They did that completely of their own volition.

Scum-aligned Neutral.

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It’s the same with SS in ToL. Sellsword getting executed wastes a day for BD.

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What neut

I’m oddly inclined to belive him ngl

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I feel like they might be Guardian but ¯\(ツ)

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It would explain why his tone is so weird, he has no idea what to do as NE

I think the claim is fake

he is making the argument that we shouldn’t waste time executing him (because he’s a scumsided neut) but if he actually believed that executing him was a waste of time for Cult then he wouldn’t be claiming neut in the hopes of avoiding being executed

also we have two other neuts who I believe more

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Took a look at the classcards and CRich might be Sheriff or Scorned. The only classes that have to survive to see Cult lose, unless I misunderstood.

I still think either way he just kinda gets jail exed here

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