SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

that post was looking into motivation

you looked into the motivation of a post looking into motivation?

ive seen the start of an MU champs(chess?).

they do this a lot, base reads off of 2 posts


I think she only read me off of that ā€“ unless I missed something. Going to re-ISO, itā€™s a bit odd but nowhere near CRichardā€™s behavior levels of odd.

Donā€™t do this to me at 4 AM.

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I literally do not know. I already said I canā€™t judge his tone and that I will need to go compare them, but that kind of aggressiveness is typical for V!CRich. As for the reasons he decided to go back to that playstyle are another matter, some of the reasons may be scummy.

Have not

It wasnā€™t more about people scumreading CRich as it was about why half of the thread immediately agrees his tone is scummy when I literally cannot see it

I slight W CRich because I donā€™t like his answers

whatā€™s the motivation of this post asking you not to ask them not to be motivated to look into the motivation of this post looking into motivation

Italy Iā€™m going to eradicate you.

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scumslipped as cult leader lockscā€“


confused Arete noises

rename the name of Vessel to Cult Leader #debate

:+1: :-1:


Yeah, from what I see she only read me off of that whole interaction and only in these two posts:

Anstreim, did you ever answer the question that I asked you?

remember that time where i guessed that it was exactly a BD/mindflayer game

(the coin flip was real by the way)

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The way I expected them to: making genuine-seeming questions and being less aggressive :^)

Which one?

Coin flips are the superior ability

I think that comes more likely from a V!Appelsiini

Sheā€™s very quick to share her feelings about players and scum would have trouble faking these feelings this early on and this quickly

basically i used gamblerā€™s fallacy to deduce the exact NK and faction

My response to your ping

Appel is villagey based on their posts so far. These are the posts Iā€™m thinking of.

The fact she questions this straight away doesnā€™t look wolfy. I donā€™t think itā€™s likely wolf Appel would question this when she put me as a scum read most of last game.

Again this is similar behavior I saw when she was questioning Alice last game.

She is paranoid about Ans concerning their start, again similar behavior from last game.

The more I read her posts, the more village she looks. I havenā€™t seen a scum Appel game though so I donā€™t know if she could fake this as wolf.