SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I really should go to bed

do you believe intensify?

Appelsi, do you think itā€™s a Blue Dragon or Unseen game?

I will see yā€™all tomorrow. Can we not hammer until the EoD please?

CRich should be todayā€™s lynch.

is there a reason you think he should be lynched as opposed to jailed?

Theyā€™re very unconfident, so I donā€™t believe they would go for something like this as scum. I noted their tone wasnā€™t as good as in last game, so I do think theyā€™re neutral at the very least if not scum.

No idea.

I kind of think they could plan some kind of screwery to save CRich if he is groupscum

as far as i know the only way they can save him is if they dayocc the vessel

this requires them to know exactly who the vessel is

Oh, and using mods as a reason is also a risky thing to do. Talking about when Intensify said they let the mods pick for them

If CRich is groupscum, judging by his behavior, Iā€™d be more inclined to believe they would want to gain towncred from him rather than trying to save him. But I donā€™t want to theorise about that before he flips

Regardless CRich would die by d3, but I donā€™t think we should be taking extra steps for scum. Remember that even if CRich is the converter he should have other abilities that can screw with us.

We have a point of failure here and what happens if they did find the vessel?

and so the wifom rabbit hole begins

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youā€™ll learn about it when youā€™re older

i suppose that makes some sense

Is it me or does this post reek of agenda and shade?

whatā€™re the chances scum would find vessel right off the bat twice in a row

ā€¦How so?

itā€™s probably better i donā€™t answer that question