SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Okay, but like… CRich isn’t confirmed to be groupscum, they’re just confirmed to be non-town.

That was d1, I feel your posts kind of went down after d2. D1 it seemed like an innocent little thing, but as CRich got scummier and you kept defending him it just went from genuine to agenda.

I know, but if he is a wolf sided neutral role then they could still be w/w. Maybe not groupscum, but still aligned together

but if crichard is a scum neutral then appel would have no way of knowing this

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…I never kept defending him. The whole point was about the fact why they latched onto his tone when I saw nothing wrong with it, but eventually I moved him to my nullreads and now scumreads because his behavior was off. You’re pushing me quite confidently for a gutread.

i reevaluated crichs d1 and didnt think it was too awful compared to their other games

but their d2, jeez

That’s a good point, but I am still of the opinion that they are both wolves. I could be wrong, but I am putting faith in my reads.

I can write something more later if you want, but I partially elaborated on it in my response to Appel.

I mean, they’re openwolfing so obviously.

Yes, I get that’s not what you meant.

Maybe you did, but it took you long enough to call him scum. You only really stopped when it became hard to defend. I also rely on gut reads and am trying to find a balance, but I really should go to bed.

i mean that’s fine

but i think seeing two players as W/W when one is likely a scum neutral who has no knowledge on the scum faction (and the scumfaction has no knowledge on them) is a read that shouldn’t at all be based off of their interactions with eachother

and it looks like part of your read has to do with their interactions with eachother

go do that

“i was just reactiontesting katze”

“who i have greenchecked by the way”


italy i have a redcheck on you

you can’t have a redcheck on me because i’m actually the neutral killer

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haha it was a RT to see who would TMI the check as fa–

you what


I think it’s a bit more telling that CRich still defends you, which wouldn’t happen if he didn’t have some kind of TMI.

That’s because part of my read is them being wolves together

I am off to bed now

well, if crichard flips groupscum then you thinking it’s W/W makes sense

atm im more inclined to think they flip scum neut, in which case their interactions shouldn’t hold too much merit

but i appreciate you talking about and explaining your reads

Eh, you can go to sleep. But I am extremely annoyed that you keep trying to find reasons and assume things just so you can scumread and shade me. I consider you re-evaluate; I nullread CRich D1, and said nothing more about him other than that his tone was typical for V!CRich and I would not townread nor scumread him for it.

This is also just a blatant assumption. My post doesn’t even have any point other than that I’m annoyed right now

katze, if I told you a single player (excluding Crich) has been trending downwards for me, who do you think it’d be?

Ok so Nappy says he’s not good at french and then proceeds to school me in French. Ok Nappy, I see