SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Sure /unvote

Ok cool I donā€™t die. /unvote

Jane I know you wonā€™t roast me. Unfortunately I canā€™t say the same for everyone else though.

actually i just realized

i trust both intensify and seth to be what they claim, which means crich wouldnt be able to be a scum neut

in scumneut!CRichard worlds iā€™d look at intensify since seth is Self Resolvingā„¢ļø

/vote CRichard564

What does self-resolving even mean? I just keep thinking of Yugi-oh

in this case seth can prove he is what he claims if it comes down to it

you canā€™t

But I can heal Derps

So can others. We canā€™t know for sure the heal came from you.

like i said, i trust that youā€™re an alchemist at the moment

but seths claiming to be a class that can announce its existence so if crich is a neut iā€™d say youā€™re more likely to be fake between you two

I also have an ability called Imperial Judgement, idk what it does


I also have Absolute Zero

you were jailed N1 with a missing nightkill

not sure if joking about being the NK is where you want to go

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I thought we werenā€™t supposed to talk about Vessel though

I mean, you being jailed N1 doesnā€™t reveal anything about the Vessel.

Ok what if I start revealing Vessel convo

then you die

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Ah ok but what if I said something like ā€œYou lynch me and my logs reveal Vessel convo.ā€ Just a theoretical situation, not something I would do I swearā€¦

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/Vote Intensify

then youā€™re actively giving scum a reason to kill you which is pretty silly play if youā€™re a survivor neut

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