SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

they dont know why though, just that they couldnt

probably try to get crich lynched anyways

So what if I told you guys I wasn’t jailed

/Vote Intensify

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this is odd

oh wait alice died

where did chloe post

intensify actually keeping good activity which is nice

I really need to stop talking or else I will get myself killed

I probably wouldn’t believe you at first

Alice talked the least and she died first… interesting

I think we should note that

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alice always dies

but her reads were probably p good

Objectively incorrect.

an_gorta_pratai and Gaja1234 both had less posts than her at EoD1.

Wait but Jane died first last round

id tell you to stop pretending to be me, because you’re not me

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how long do you think that would last

also alice literally claimed to slank that game

Anyways, are we gonna kill the first acolyte claim we see since they’re pretty much bootleg knights in this game?


we’re gonna give them a chance to stab and that

hey look

chloe has more posts then gaja

Were not killing knight claims? These are weird times we’re in

id rather let the acolyte claim stab you first, tbh

lynching on their actions and words>lynching on their claim