SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

imagine softing cant relate

Oh yeh now that I think about it. How important is Vessel? Because Vessel has limited jails, you would think Vessel would be less important no?


voting system+exe gets more jails= vessel good

Other than chain jailing, vessel kinda sucks in this

Seth is in my TLā€™s because Iā€™ve already said that I donā€™t see him claiming Senex if heā€™s scum.
I think it would be completely out of his scumrange, not to mention that he is present within the thread.

SDA is probably one of my weakest TLā€™s but I somewhat agree with Nappy that heā€™s probably just town. Not that Iā€™m a huge fan of his interactions so far, but they are better than they were in the first game, and thereā€™s still the fact that he was bled on D1.

its literally the only sure way we can occ+attack and they unconvertable

also chain jailing is the 1 thing they shouldnā€™t do

just jail exe CRichard

Whatā€™s your guys fav icecream flavors

Eh I guess. Oh well not that it concerns me. If Iā€™m not being executed by Vessel, then Iā€™m fine

Are you trying to read us based on our favorite ice cream flavor?
Also mint chocolate chip.

Itā€™s just as powerful as the Prince is in normal FoL ā€“ and Prince is plenty powerful, but the issue is that you have to be far more precise with your executions because one wrong kill basically cripples you.
Which was also the reason I wasnā€™t very excited about rolling it in my first game.


But Prince wasted a jail on me night 1, what a waste

vanilla cause im boring

Defending CRichard but I can understand why they think itā€™s the same tone because Neutral and Town arenā€™t all entirely different.
Even ask Arete

So your a bad reader? Got it!

They seem to be suspecting Anstreim a bit here.

Alice = N1 Killed

Because people have more time on there hands then other people. Simple.

Reads donā€™t line up with reads.

Interesting they choose to go with a different observation.
Not directly scummy but rather interesting.

Changed their mind pretty fast.

ā€œCare about imageā€ :thinking:

Iā€™m inclined to just vote this.
This is probably scum.
/Vote Appel

Votee Voted By Votes Tags
CRichard Italy, clonedcheese 2/8 Anstreim, TheBlueElixir
Appelsiini Anstreim, Jane, katze, ModeShifter, Intensify 5/8 Jane, ModeShifter
an_gorta_pratai TheBlueElixir, Napoleon 2/8 x
Jane x 0/8 SirDerpsAlot
katze SirDerpsalot 1/8 x
Intensify x 0/8 CRichard564
Italy x 0/8 katze
plz ping if I made error

image thinking1

Honey and mint is top tier but it no longer sells here.
I miss it.

Very sorry Appel, but if I want to live, I must go along with town.
/vote Appel

dont want to tell you to not be town

but its probably your best bet if you only vote people who vote you or just dont vote