SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Ok well does anyone have info?

ill be back tomorrow

oh yep

30 and a half hours

Why were you afraid of being lynched unless you claimed Neutral?


I do believe a certain someone else does

thank you cloned, very cool

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My info is that Nappy is locktown.

Cause my win condition is to not die?

Also what does locktown mean?

He has been logical and I like his reads, so I agree

confirmed town


That I’m ride or die town

clearly the solution is to let intensify live until final 4 and see if he wins /s

There are only a few circumstances where he would re-evaluate me.

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i mean

if we use meta: nappy is town
if we don’t use meta: nappy is town

however, i have redcheck on him

sorry nappy

Why 4?

I’m tempted to make a very bad joke here but PG-13 forums.

A few very specific circumstances to boot.

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NKs in this setup win if they get to f4.

They do? Oh huh that’s interesting

metareading is bad only when used on me