SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Imma go vessel hunting now

Need to figure out my next CFD

we can buy a cruise ship

A big one?


i miss you dude

yes derps

i call top deck

I want one with a slide

i cant promise a slide thats expensive


if you’re legit you can also show that by revealing

Okay but let me use the slide okay?


Please kill katze so our days are more productive and less memey


He has no reason to reveal today, period.

I would advice against encouraging that

That won’t show I’m Town.
That will only show I’m Senex.

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yeah but why does he feel the need to prove he’s legit before revealing if revealing is literally just a prove-you’re-legit button

you’re scared of my power aren’t you

unfortunately i cannot be killed by groupscum because i am a member of the groupscum :^)

alright fair enough

Oh god oh fuck

dude don’t drop the act, we’re masons