SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

It also hurts Town.

WiFoM reveal today or tomorrow

or just heal someone

Iā€™m healing Derps tonight and reveal tomorrow.
I already told you.

F for Vessel

If Anstreim dies though Iā€™ma bitch slap Derps.

derps could already be healed

derps living tonight doesnt really clear seth

Exactly why Iā€™m trying to show you Iā€™m Town Verbally.

Why are you so concerned about me possibly dying.
Iā€™m going to fill out my logs regardless, so even if I get killed you have information to go on.

Itā€™s just if my original target I wanted to protect died it would make me mad.

Im not hanging Seth tomorrow if he claims he was day occā€™ed anyways

But Iā€™ll heal Derps and Reveal tomorrow.
No worries.

Yep, even if Seth doesnā€™t reveal heā€™s never going to be the first lynch.

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now i feel dumb for outing that

but i really didnā€™t think that was it

angry katze noises

Like, Seth doesnā€™t just go and claim he has a mech confirm D1 unless he actually does

i have a very tinfoil theory that would involve him doing exactly that

but it relies on crichard flipping non-groupscum

Thatā€™s what Iā€™ve been saying this whole time, Iā€™m positive itā€™s out of his scumrange to cast attention on himself that way ā€“ on D1 no less.

Scrap it. Seth isnā€™t lying.

like, if crich flips scumneut or NK i think thereā€™s a plausible world where the senex claim -> ā€œi was dayoccedā€ was planned

him announcing when hes going to reveal makes the dayocc significantly more plausible

but this is very unlikely and im not giving it any more thought than this unless crich actually flips scumneut/NK

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make sure you reveal at SoD

like, real early SoD would be nice

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