SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


looks like they weren’t (this is their first post after SoD)

distancing is a thing that could plausibly have happened

‘let’s set up fake interactions and have you openwolf D2’ is … a really dumb plan … and yes, I think it is actually just dumb enough that people wouldn’t do it

i think itd be a bit less dumb if NK were dead since being “cleared” means a lot more in that gamestate

but on d2? kinda weird cause i dont think many people are getting towncred for crichard openwolfing that arent anstreim

looks like I accidently missed a hundred or so posts at a crucial time again whoopsie

not the first part, do you think they could’ve set up good interactions and d2…d2 was a mess no matter who they were with

not the second part*

maybe it was a d2 bus

I really am clueless

do your thing lads

lukewarm take: crichard is unliikely to agree to being bussed d2

I think there are interactions that are within the realm of possibility for distancing (for example: CRich was allegedly scumreading Gorta, and you may note that Gorta is my top suspect for CRich’s partner)

but I don’t, actually, think CRich is doing a particularly good job of wolfing this match, and thus (for example) I don’t think he genuinely managed to fake thinking that Derps is really Merc

water bottle cold take: He didn’t get a choice

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If your teammates are clear then it would be easier to hide and guide the thread.

Why not today? I think the CW should be Gaja

What does Gaja have that I don’t?

gaja is always exactly tomorrows lynch

do you want to be lynched tomorrow?

I think that would be wiser

what would be better about lynching you tomorrow, as opposed to today?

he wants another night to use an ability 'course

that’s NAI though

TBE don’t answer this, this is for Gorta


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