SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I see.

Town shouldn’t really be marking any of their own posts as scum AI.



I don’t choose anyway, but if your null claims apostle and your TR is an NK ooh boy

not necessarily this very specific situation

but you get what I mean

Probably will go two TRs though, I have had people claim in Allies before but not always


well if your getting two TRs they’ll probably claim anyway

Guys please talk


you had Arete as a SL before

does that still stand

and why

No they are null now

not explaining why

thoughts on gorta, and why that?

do you think you have enough to base a read of off?

Gun-to-head, where would you yolo em?

Arete’s entrance into the game seems odd from how I remember him playing. My last game with him as town I didn’t see him enter the way he did this game. He is a slight scum lean from that alone.

/jail CRichard

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Fuck I meant to put that in my class card

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also noted

also I think I could know why

go answer my other question


when you forget its called bind down

Well anyways,[quote=“TheBlueElixir, post:510, topic:81863, full:true”]
thoughts on gorta, and why that?

do you think you have enough to base a read of off?

Gun-to-head, where would you yolo em?

No? They haven’t spoken yet iirc.

they have


get that if you don’t remember

I always use FoL terms

Still wouldn’t

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