SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Can someone quote wall





What happens if Vulg suddenly goes AFK and we have to replace Vulg?

Vulgard wont suddenly go AFK

he either asks for a replacement immediately or he keeps gaming

I feel like Arete has decent convert equity

Ngl I very highly doubt this


Thatā€™s because itā€™s a joke, you nerd.

Shouldā€™ve made CRichard conversion immune instead, smh.

Oh yeah wait

Sorry wrong person I meant CRichard


I have a feeling I know who he did but I have no actual idea

Nah, shouldā€™ve made Seth convert immune

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most of the NK equity people probably have convert equity

dont exactly remember who nappy/ans said were most likely, and ill make my own list before EoD

Anyways arete is a decent convert and Probabaly who I would go for so they have some equity

ā€œLook at me Iā€™m so townā€, as in trying to appear really towny to the point itā€™s easy to spot.

I mean, itā€™s not like I would expect an outed wolf to give us an actual readlist after they are outed.

I donā€™t remember Jane saying anything they did NAI though? This is not relevant but I think the only AI/NAI discussion about their slot came from myself and Appel(?).

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I beg to differ

Jane quoted the parts at ~the end with this

also Jane marked their first wall as NAI

I said it was AI