SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

See I believe this. But this is a bad look for you.

I will swallow you in posts
But i most go

fucking forums

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are we reading the same game


half the information in here is factually inaccurate

Go ahead monsieur


We discussed at length in Allies why CRichard was probably scum.

My RT was staged in Allies chat, therefore my push was ā€˜fakeā€™ to begin with.
And yes, Iā€™ve been SLing him for the majority of D1 ā€“ which is why we discussed it with Napoleon and decided that I would probably be the best candidate to enact it.

Intensify has retracted his claim just now, saying that he is confirmable but was claiming Alchemist to avoid being lynched.

Iā€™m tempted to ask if your mech is a greencheck but that would be -EV so keep that to yourself right now.

so what would be my motivation in scum!Arete worlds for ā€¦ pretending to have thought Mode was supposed to heal Derps when he was actually supposed to heal katzeā€¦?

intensify retracting their alch claim I read after posting

what else is new

confused noises


There is no motivation.

The theory is that you forgot about it because you probably didnā€™t end up caring that much about the night plan, which suggests you arenā€™t a real Ritualist.


I think that was his way of expressing ā€œI think Anstreim is most likely town but I think that RT was way too ā€˜confidentā€™ā€?

the obvious one is you saying that I ā€˜led the lynch on Appelā€™ when I spent most of yesterday saying that my preferred lynches were people other than Appel, and that I didnā€™t think Appel was W/W on CRich, and specifically tried to push non-Appel wagons for most of the day


I obviously could have done more to try to save them

but the thing you are claiming I did is literally the opposite of the thing I actually did

scum as in ā€œNK candidate if Intensify and Mode are somehow both realā€

i mean if you donā€™t sound confident in RTs whos gonna believe them

this doesnt apply if your name is katze because nobody will ever believe them either way

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I have a way to soft-confirm myself as not NK.
Thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to say for now.

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i have a way to hard-confirm you as not NK :^)

Cloned, Anstreim is probably town.

Like they are very blantantly town for me.