SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I don’t get what this saying


Okay look… how should I put it…

There is a high likelihood that Arete is NK.

not gonna explain all my reasons but I’ve given you some

If I think what I think is true, then Arete is probably the NK

i mean

my night action kind makes it nearly guaranteed

Blue line best line

/vote TheBlueElixir

Gimme blue line plz

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it would be easier to read you if you would explain your reads

because right now it’s like, you seem to believe your reads (which is a good look) but also your reads make no sense (in the sense that like, I don’t get how you go in trying to read me and come out with ‘Arete was pushing to lynch Appel on D2’ when that’s the literal opposite of what’s happening)

so if you would explain them it would help me figure out if they’re real or not


I’d say there’s 0% chance Arete NK
I can tell you that for a fact

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is your night action ‘lolreactiontests’


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete Napoleon, clonedcheese 2/6 clonedcheese
TheBlueElixir TheBlueElixir 1/6 x
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thats a day action

my night action is very not lolRT


I’m not unvoting

all will be explained in due time, my dearest arete


It was funnier in my head

/un vote

the read on you is flawed, so that’s completely wrong, although I have other reasons
TBE is poorly explained, mostly a gut confirmation (sadly)

everything else is stated as i believe them


off to dinner

please don’t QL in the meantime

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i have time for one last comment

Dont worry

Everyone tone/gut reads me

Seems to work usually


okay but like

there is no night action that would indicate me!NK? like if you’re a High Priestess you would find me S/S, or a Seeker you’d see me visiting Mode not Vul, so … I’m not really sure what other night action it would be unless you’re going 1-for-1 for some reason?

I guess you could be Damsel with me incomp with the convert??

but given that you are you reactiontesting seems like the most plausible answer