SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

yeah they did

it clears him of being exactly Mastermind

also i guess this just outs that im a high priestess and not RTing which was kinda obvious but still :angry:

Oh right


NK/assassin though

Wouldnā€™t mind an invokes occ maybe?


I really thought i had it

I id visit ans n1


I dont know if you were occ/red/or just a liar

But one is more likely

I mean seeing with all the claims we have, I donā€™t think anti-claim can be worked around that easily.

wait then what is the comp result that TBE got n1

i mean weā€™re about to kill the NK anyway?

/un vote



you use this today on me and we vote me to L-1 (with you as one of the voters for obvious reasons)

FMPoV you are fake and that thus I will not be lynched

however in a hypothetical world where you were to be real you wouldnā€™t actually lose anything here

I have a feeling that if katze is evil, they are convert who probably believes Arete is wolf?


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete clonedcheese 1/6 clonedcheese
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir
1 Like

alternatively cloned could out his info because there are even odds it directly contradicts katā€™s (since he was claiming Iā€™m lock-not-NK)


my logs arenā€™t very useful given my n1 check is now dead


N1 - Reconciliation Gaja: S/S
N2 - Reconciliation Arete: K/O

by wolf do you mean NK in this case?


I can reveal my class tomorrow

time to out info

clonedcheese theā€¦


N1: no action bleh
N2: Arete to myself

Iā€™m alive and not converted
so Arete is starting town

whether they were converted is a different question