SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

that does indeed appear to be the case

and this

is basically the only alignment-related thing that he had to say about it (he also talked about what class type Sage is)

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like I feel like the normal response would be more like ā€˜yay, we got the NKā€™ if you think that thatā€™s what happened

and in particular Italyā€™s comment is focused more around me being aggressive rather than me being a supposedly K/O support claim when I feel like the second thing would appear to most people to be a lot more relevant


/vote Arete even harder

Iā€™m willing to die on this hill

this is the mechanically optimal play


I say this every game because itā€™s true

if we kill the Mastermind they canā€™t convert, if we kill the NK we reduce KPN by 1 permanently, if we kill the convert -> Assassin, assuming they exist, then ā€¦ Unseen canā€™t kill tonight, because no Assassin, but they just get another convert tonight

also, like, D1 reads are actually relevant to finding starting scum

ftr cloned having a confident push that he seems to actually believe in is a pretty good look for him (particularly given his skill level as a wolf)

I mean, I agree with Arete here.

arete is right
denying a kill, while useful, isnā€™t as useful as completely eradicating converts or lowering scum kp to 1kpn

Yes, thatā€™s why we are lynching you today

youā€™re more than aware that kind of stuff doesnā€™t really intimidate me

Iā€™m not saying arete is wrong
I just felt like thatā€™s something converted scum would try and do

seems like an awfully convientnient segue into trying to lynch a LHF

help i canā€™t spell that word

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whatā€™s your PoE for starting scum


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if weā€™re only looking for mastermind here
Iā€™d say itā€™s gorta
led appel lynch and tried to admit to it by saying that they now regret it

I also think it might be Jane
tagged appel yesterday and was prominent on that wagon

I assume that scum will always try to convert a player better than them, unless they are confident on winning on their own; if either of these are actually the mastermind, I think you are indeed the prime convert target

looking at yesterdayā€™s votes:

Votee Voted By Votes
CRichard Italy, clonedcheese 2/8
Appelsiini Jane, ModeShifter, Vulgard, Napoleon, Crichard564, Intensify, an_gorta_pratai, katze 8/8
an_gorta_pratai SirDerpsAlot, Arete 2/8

I like Italy here, since no MM would try and sacrifice their assassin

Arete was on gorta since yesterday, which probably suggests that this is also not W/W.

So Iā€™m predicting Jane/CRich starting scum, with Arete convert N1.


colors are hard

back to work i go

Ok I am back from writing essay

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You can read my ISO and you will know that I pushed on Appel and over time you will see that I re-evaled the slot and then eventually felt bad about the lynch after CRich joined the wagon.

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First of all, I request @ChopChop to unvote me, an request to be put in Allies with modeshifter. My claim cannot be faked by any NK of sorts, and it will confirm as not NK, but not non-Unseen though

Vessel also has my claim and Vessel can kill me they choose to, so lynching me is not a great move today if Vessel can just do it

my thoughts have changed a little, although only for the time being.

the guardian was reading you as cult, so I think i like that

letā€™s put you at 2nd highest scum