SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

i mean i hate massclaim but at this point i think it’s too late to fight against it

afaik the worst anticlaim we have is mind flayer and zealot and neither of those are going to end the game tonight if we massclaim

Most of the time I hate it too, but idrc rn.

and mind flayer prob has enough claims for the rest of the game

zealot likely does as well, and the ones they’re missing they can just PoE

im like 99% claiming today and part of it is because i want to point out my multi-layered softs tbh

I have awoken from my slumber once more.
Already caught up like always, so:

  • That RT on Arete was… a thing. I think their response was alright – I initially found it somewhat weird that they jumped on the possibility of being flirted K/O, but their explanation more or less makes sense. The one thing that doesn’t sit well with me is that they think Kat’s ISO is mostly NAI, but I suppose that could be explained by their low investment in the game. I don’t really think they are NK, though;
  • I don’t think Kat is any form of starting groupscum either, and I’ve discussed this before. I wouldn’t expect him to let CRichard fall apart on the spot like this – not to mention that there’s the fact that he was bled. Outing that bleed if you are MM/NK doesn’t make much sense, even though we had a few healer claims imo;
  • Seth revealing as mech confirmed Senex – like I said I never really doubted this, because I don’t see a world where he claims self-resolving as scum. He’s probably town-sided as well, at least judging from the way he is playing.
  • I still don’t believe a single thing that comes from Intensify, but if he claimed their true class to the Vessel I guess he should be left alive? If he is an Apostle though, the question is:
    Why didn’t he resurrect Alice, when we specifically weighed pros and cons of it (and decided that pros outweigh the cons);
    Why is he refusing to out what was said in the night chat – I think Alice would’ve elaborated on more than one thing. Also the whole “Alice told me to keep silent” argument… I really doubt it’s real.
  • On Italy…I’m somewhat inclined to believe that he’s the one who bled SDA – his behavior makes sense from Mauler’s prespective – he was actively advocating against healing him. The D2 activity drop isn’t really explained by his inability to Bear though – that would only affect his N1. I really hope that he interacts with us more today.

This whole situation would mean that the thing I mentioned at the start of today is actually true:

About this:

Like I said I have a way to soft-confirm myself as not OG MM/NK, though admittedly I wish I went with the alternative last night so we could resolve that today.
I am not against being debbed by Cloned/being checked either – if you think that check is warranted. Although in that case Seth would have to heal someone different for the night for obvious reasons.

I think I’ve also had a plenty of AI interactions in this match, and I could point them out to you if you wish.

And you know why the alternatives shouldn’t be a thing either.

good morning
except it’s actually morning and not 8 pm

Good morning to you too, Italy.

I see you’ve finally graced us with your presence.
Any reads?

wasnt there only 1 bleed D1

too much work

Yeah, there was only one bleed on D1.
And only one bleed on D2.

so clearing italy for claiming the only bleed D1 is a thing because…?

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do you see a world where i am neutral killer


Because it’s consistent with how he played and if he was actually the Frostweaver then SDA would’ve died on N1.
Unless you think that Italy is the type to tell his Assassin to bleed a D1 Mercenary claim that could be used directly to your advantage.

shit, he knows

Or are you saying that the D1 bleed was fake and Italy killed SDA on N2 as the NK…?
But that makes even less sense.

im saying the D1 bleed could have been by CRichard and MM!Italy is claiming it

or the D1 bleed was by CRichard and since nobody else is claiming it, NK!Italy can claim it because the only people who know the truth would be the groupscum

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his insistence of letting derps bleed out is a good look but i don’t think it hardconfirms anything because there was only one bleed D1

i may not look like the sharpest cupcake in the drawer
but what i lack in social skills i make up for with absurd mechanical planning and deduction

I mean it still doesn’t sound logical to me to make CRichard waste potential KP on a Neutral just so you can ensure you have a Mauler fakeclaim but eh…
If we have actual High Priestess they should probably flirt him.