SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Also I think there is no reason to vote me today, I have already requested I be put in jail and that I be put in Allies with Seth if possible

Any new thoughts from yesterday.

If youā€™re Apostle, then why are you Special/Investigative?

Hmmmm Idk how feel about Italy. Even though he said ā€œhe knew that was a RT,ā€ that felt like really bad scumslip, but oh well

I am?


1 Like

ā€¦Could you quote precise posts that made you think that?

/vote Intensify

Jane, Iā€™m pretty sure this is another RT. I can tell because I am not S/I

Hold give me a sec

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jane isnt much for RTing

This isnā€™t a reactiontest.

Iā€™ve already said my info doesnā€™t clear anyone in Mastermind PoE; it actively condemns someone in it.

MM!intensify worlds actually make sense

he was jailed n1

he presumably converted n2

he doesnā€™t care if hes jailed n3

and he hasnā€™t self resolvedā„¢ļø

Idk about this, why would he lie about bear in the first place if he had already bled d1? There is no reason for him to do this


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete clonedcheese 1/6 clonedcheese
Intensify Jane, katze 2/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete

Hmmm perhaps, but Jane. This is an RT. Because I am Apostle and I know for sure I am

Why didnā€™t you resurrect Alice last night.

I was going to, but Alice said it was a bad idea

This isnā€™t an RT. You pretending to be Apostle isnā€™t going to clear you as we already know you can pretend to be other classes fairly well.

Do you think this is true?