SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Oh and who do you think this “supposed night 2 convert” would be?

Uhh, how do you think that would work.

intensify is mm who converts someone n2 who knows alice (arete prime cadidate for this, tbh, but lets call them “Convert X”)

Convert X spends the delayed time on D3 to try to create a convincing sounding alice message for intensify to give to the vessel tonight

Also isn’t that logic kinda flawed Kat? If I had a supposed night 2 convert telling me this, why not have me out it now and get over this no?

because arete isnt online to give you a convincing enough message yet :^)

they spent all of their awake time defending themselves from being the NK

which they may not be

Didnt Nappy say he sceptered Arete though?

There’s literally no reason for you, as either alignment, to not give the info right now.

That point is invalid.

That would require the convert to be someone who actually knows Alice so yeah.
There are like 2-3 people in this game who match the description, although I guess you could just use the day to scour her past games and try to come up with something, but it sounds like a tinfoil to me.

Why tf would any logical person convert Arete then if he was sceptered?

i don’t believe nappy outted who they sceptered

but if its arete then this theory makes a lot less sense since i don’t think anyone else alive knows alice well enough

it is tinfoiley

but if im right i want all the postgame cred :sunglasses:

No there is a reason, and if I was really scum and I wanted to defend myself, I would out this info. But I am not scum and I have a perfectly good reason for not outting this info right now

Unless you are scum that doesn’t have any info to out to begin with.

Which makes this whole argument NAI.

intensify, claim your info right now or i will bleed you
and we appear to be rather short of healers who give a fuck

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i thought we were going with this “I converted Arete argument and he tells me what Alice would say stick”

Also SDA was gunning for Nappy to SF Arete in Allies but I told him to not out it and use his own discretion.
So yeah.

so SDA almost definitely stonewalled arete n1

Archdeacon can’t be occupied.

Hmmm bleed me? I am actually fine with being bled if I am able to convince Seth to heal me tonight in Allies