SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

You want an arete lynch?

Not exactly, I want to see the MM dead. If Arete is the MM then yes, but otherwise I just want to see the MM dead.

Do you think arete is MM?

I really donā€™t know, I do think the MM is wedged in the town good, but I really donā€™t know.

What do you think of intensify

I suppose the MM could be in Jane/Italy, but I think we might be misclearing people if those are the only two in the MM pool (I know I am in it as well, but I know that I am not the MM).

Iā€™m wedged into town nicely, while not actually doing a ton

Do you think Iā€™m a possible/likely NK/MM candidate?

I am really conflicted on that slot because while I think they do have MM equity they also seem TWTBAW. I suppose that shouldnā€™t be clearing though

I dont think Intensify is Wolfy

Tbf i did the same thing with PKR in insurgency

But i p sure he be town

Anyway I need to eat soon, but I will be back on later



Anything is possible, but you seem towny and I havenā€™t seen how you are as scum

The difference is PKR has actual FM experience though (does Intensify have FM experience?)

Intensify has only played SFoL 61 as his experience in FM

Nobody has

And yet i somehow believe i can convince you in less then 5 words

But I really should go now, I will answer anything else later

Bye lad

That would be harder than you think

putting aside reads for a moment and looking purely at mechanicsā€¦

Mechanically cannot be Mastermind

Napoleon (King)
ModeShifter (Senex printer go brrrr)
clonedcheese (flirted K/O by Jane)

Mechanically confirmable today as not Mastermind if they arenā€™t

Jane (High Priestess vote thingy)
katze (Bounty printer go brrr)

Mechanically confirmable at some point as not Mastermind if they arenā€™t

Probably Ans (he claimed ?some sort of mechconfirm? but Iā€™m not sure what)
Intensify (lolApostle)

Everyone else


Iā€™m pretty sure TBE is town here for Reasons, which leaves Italy and Gorta

so if we trust all the mechconfirms that means the Mastermind is in exactly Italy/Gorta

so then the question Iā€™m asking myself is how much I actually trust the mech confirms

also @TheBlueElixir you should probably stop softing


is there a world where Mastermind!kat is so convinced Iā€™m NK that she fakes a Bounty on my slot