SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

so what time should i come around and boom bye scum intensify

my hammer passive is very strong

wait for, at minimum, everyone who was away when Intensify slipped to get back in the thread at least once

that might just be Ans? not sure

ā€¦we should probably also wait for whoever hasnā€™t been in the thread since we decided that Intensify was definitely the lynch, in case the Vessel is in that pool

eh, heā€™ll be here soon enough

@anon6348071 nerd

I am here and exhausted from powering through the most of Ninja Gaiden 1 on the NES

Should I just vote before I go to bed?

I donā€™t know if yā€™all would have quick hammered before me getting up

I want to wait for Anstreim


you speedrunning it?

we only need 2 votes to hammer it and both me and jane havent voted

and anstreim either if he comes around

so you donā€™t need to, no

Hell no, but it would be a fun speedrunning game. If it wasnā€™t almost 4 AM I would have powered through 6-2 with no savestates, but itā€™s way too late for that. The game is easier the second time around though. I will savestate at the final boss because there is no way in hell that I am going through level 6 all over again over some bs with the final boss.

Eh, ok, I will likely stay around, but I am going to bed in about 10-20 minutes

world record is like 11m40s

pretty crazy run actually

but this is off topic :wink:

you probably wonā€™t need to be around to hammer since weā€™re waiting for anstreim anyway and i just woke up a bit ago so ill be checking occasionally

I know about all about the world record, but yeah this is off topic.

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I know I know, but hopefully we can do some good things in allies chat


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete clonedcheese 1/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify Italy, ModeShifter, Napoleon 3/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai x 0/6 Intensify
Clonedcheese Intensify 1/6 x

If Intensify flips town I will be pissed, but I think they will flip MM or NK (likely MM).

Itā€™s time for me to sleep

Ans-chan, are you awake yet?


So uh, I just woke up to see Intensify lolcatting and lying about his Apostle claim.
Which is to say, Iā€™m not really surprised about considering how many anti-town things he has done this game ā€“ but I also have some information that is absolutely nonsensical.
Apparently I was bled while I was asleep.

This is not RT or anything, I hardclaim that I got notification that I was bled in my class card after I went to bed ā€“ but this bleed makes completely zero sense to me. Aside from the fact that I basically outed myself, bleeding me instead of say TBE isā€¦ not a great play in any capacity.
This also means that the whole dayocc theory on Kat/Jane should never happen, since I donā€™t think there are any NKs that can dayocc. The only way I can be bled is if I was bled by scum ā€“ otherwise itā€™s mechanically impossible, since we ruled out the existence of the Frostweaver.

That thing aside, I still think that the jail candidates should be within Gorta/Italy, but Gorta says that he is useful if he isnā€™t jailed? I guess the Vessel should be the one to decide but socially, after catching up my opinion hasnā€™t changed on the two of them much.

Also, it seems that the current plan to hammer Intensify early ā€“ are we sure that this is a good idea?
We could potentially use this time to discuss more, there are still a lot of hours left.

Also I donā€™t know if I can out the approximate time when I was bled because I feel like that would be angleshooting.