SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


I think he’s a vessel that has no clue what to do

I don’t think I was widely accepted as alch, I am sure some people trusted me, but others I don’t have yet, which is why I tried my best to do what I would usually do as Alch in my FOL game

intensify if i were a knight/archer i would have stabbed you n2

im pretty sure i made it clear to you during D2 i would have killed you if i could

yet, you continue to claim alch?

why would you do that

@Napoleon can we hammer Intensify?

I didn’t believe it, wasn’t that a RT?

that was genuine

if i had the ability to kill

i 100% stab you n2

there is literally no reason for me to not stab an alchemist claim on N2 who is claiming to not be death immune that night

that was a threat

you continued to claim vessel despite this


Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete x 0/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify Italy, ModeShifter, Napoleon 3/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze x 0/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai x 0/6 Intensify


you weren’t at all concerned for your survival?

Kat claimed vessel in allies so if i was a killer id claim and Kat would red. Me to you intensify

oh yeah

i was really hoping you were a vig

im still a bit sad i couldn’t make you fucking kill him

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Wait Kat claimed Vessel in Allies?

In the first 20 minutes

clonedcheese line is unnecessary

Did you not read the second part.

Cloned line cloned line

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“im vessel”
“oh cool im deacon”
“fuck, i was hoping you had a night killing ability so i could redirect you to the alch - im actually a puppeter”

this is how allies chat started, paraphrased

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I wasn’t in Allies though, I wouldn’t have known

the point is

i was threatening you, not RTing you

i just didnt have the tools to follow through with that threat

i wanted to be in allies so badly because i wanted to get you killed

if you were a vessel then you would have gotten yourself killed for playing the way you did, is my point

but i don’t believe you are

the amount of conditions that have to be met for you to be a vessel is absurd

and if a single one of them is untrue, you’re MM/NK