SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

and yet you spent all of today tinfoiling that I’d killed him :^)

It was a check that said that BD/Unseen did not visit Italy (I also should have said I got redirected to Italy).

my gut is telling me that Gorta is town but everything everyone has done this game is telling me that he can’t be

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Jane redirected me that game

Someone is lying, just follow your gut. We are misclearing people

when i am in the tunnel zone my use of logic goes downhill


but thats a day ability

eh, whatever, that was last game

The check takes place at night, but would that have any effect?

well its just a scout

you get the results at the end of night but its not a night ability

but again, last game, irrelevant now

I’m looking over and I literally cannot find any better NK candidates.
The list I posted above is accurate. He claims:
-No N1 ability
-To heal Napoleon N2 instead of Vulgard who was obvious town
-While being in Vulgard’s PoE

The rest of the players are either too towny and made plays that would be outright suicidal if today’s lynches went through – and they couldn’t predict that they wouldn’t.
I mean arguably Jane could still be NK but we are missing deaths.

I am a big dumb dumb then. Let’s focus on this game

For them to be Arbiter which is the only time they make the whole Dazzle play*

Who was in the MM and NK pools?

Should we really be relying 100% on mechanics here? We are misclearing people based on mechanics and Alice will have a “told you so” type message typed up at the end because we are losing due to overly relying on mechanics

oh end of day is like

kinda soon

i cant tell if this day has felt really long or really short but it doesnt feel like EoD should be soon


The issue is that socially, literally everyone but arguably one person cough cough has done some towny things.


I am town damnit and we are losing

claimlist i think
  1. katze - puppeteer
  2. TheBlueElixir - bounty
  3. Anstreim - not revealed yet
  4. Arete - not NK
  5. Intensify - vessel (most likely)
  6. Italy - bled SDA
  7. Napoleon - king (duh)
  8. an_gorta_pratai - ?
  9. ModeShifter - senex (confirmed!)
  10. Jane - investigative on me/dazzle
  11. Clonedcheese - puppeteer

from here, possible MM:

katze, TBE, Jane, and I are all confirmable, which are risky plays for MM
Italy’s “bled SDA” claim is weird, because they could’ve gotten that off of CRich
Aroot is clear off NK and NK only
Ans idk but can apparently clear themselves
i kinda dont know what gorta’s claims are
and i see people mainly pushing gorta

as such
/vote Italy

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Let me shine then, I know I can convince Nappy that I am witcher

Italy is similarly suspicious, probably even more so because of bleed claim
yet people are pushing gorta :thinking:

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