SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

italy existed on D1 and allegedly bled SDA on D1

but they havent really existed in thread at all since, and meta-wise thats a fairly bad look for him

that slot can quite frankly just die

Noooooo donā€™t take permanent break, we all love you

I am conflicted because of their d1, but thatā€™s why I said he is a possible convert. I could see a world in which he takes credit for CRichā€™s bleed as well

Would having CRich as a scum buddy be that demoralizing that you just give up?

i mean he was called out as being off-tone in the first 100~ posts of the game

that would probably be a bit of a blow to your morale

I mean CRichard had less than 10(?) games iirc and never rolled scum before.
Not sure how Italy wouldā€™ve reacted to it.

I donā€™t know what type of person Italy is, so I canā€™t sayā€¦ but I feel like he is town, but that might be just newbie me overlooking things

Was Italy the first to call CRich out?

update: miscellaneous houseguests donā€™t actually want to socialize :confetti_ball:


arete was the first person to call their tone out

which is a decent portion as to why i dont think arete is MM

I think last time we went over this he was the last.
The order was Arete > Myself > Italy iirc.

Would Italy ride that wagon for towncred?

Im back with a genius plan
@katze would you like to confirm yourself


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this was in response to Gorta

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what does this plan entail

Then that isnā€™t clearing

As for today i think at least one of italy/gorta is scum

I want to see how wagonomics plays out

I could see a world in which Italy busses CRich in order to appear towny and having CRich implode spewing almost everyone as town

i mean italy is one of the highest MM candidates for mostly this reason imo

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