SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Reminder to WIFOM your heals between Me(possibly)/Kat/Intensify.
All of you keep your logs in check.

I’m going to bed now. If Italy flips town then… tonight is going to be difficult.


When you re-read this

Find out kat’s class type, would you?

@Other-investigative-and-specials stay away from Kat, you need NK too

If you fail to comply, :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

I wanted to use my healing magic on you and then redirect it to a scum target the next night

If Italy flips town, should I exe whoever is in jail then?

Can’t NK just strongman me tonight though, what is the point

The logical answer would be yes, but I am not scum

if its certain NKs you basically just die tonight yeah


This wagon wont pick up(not that i necessarily want it to) and gorta is being jailed anyway

But then where should the CW be

And why are we an hour away from EOD with no CW

if you were attacked by the unseen the attack gets delayed and sent to me and then I could send it to someone else

Ok fine, but I am expecting to get strongmaned tonight

if the jailor dies would I also die?


Unless you get jailexe’d


if italy is cult then i feel like gorta is almost always a wolf

im not entirely sure how to answer in MM/NK Italy worlds

if you’re in allies chat tonight then you can talk to the king about that

and would a NK be able to kill the jailor if jailed?


No NK can kill while jailed

pretty sure no NK can act in jail

I thought me and seth were in allies?

So how would that confirm me?

I actually asked about MF with mindstorm earlier, no they cant

Only if Intensify is a heathen and zealot jails Intensify I think

idk im not the king

well if you arent executed and NK kills then you aren’t NK