SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

End of Day 3 Votecount

Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete x 0/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify x 0/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze katze 1/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai x 1/6 Intensify
Italy an_gorta_pratai, ModeShifter, Anstreim, Arete, clonedcheese 6/6 an_gorta_pratai, Anstreim
TheBlueElixir Jane 1/6 x
Jane TheBlueElixir 1/6 x

But Marshal, blue voted Jane
This matters so much


Final Votecount

Votee Voted By Votes Tags
Arete x 0/6 clonedcheese, katze
Intensify x 0/6 ModeShifter, Jane
katze katze 1/6 TheBlueElixir, Arete
an_gorta_pratai Arete 1/6 Intensify
Italy clonedcheese, an_gorta_pratai, ModeShifter, Anstreim, Arete 5/6 an_gorta_pratai, Anstreim
TheBlueElixir Jane 1/6 x
Jane TheBlueElixir 1/6 x
the real one
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apologies for bad votecounting iā€™m multitabling with terraria

ā€œWe have to do something!ā€ The court frantically chants. They panic, accusations flying everywhere. It takes a while before a decision is made.

ā€œWe shall execute Italy!ā€ Says the Archdeacon.

As such, the court soon begins to surround Italy. In a panic, he snaps his fingers, and a bear and wolf join his side. Oh wait this happened before? Yeah you can probably guess what happened next.

Italy has been executed by the court! He wasā€¦

The Mauler

Cult Killer
Blood Hound (Day) - Send a hungry blood hound to maul a player, causing them to begin bleeding. They will die in 2 nights if not healed. You canā€™t use Behemoth tonight. 1 use
Behemoth (Night) - Defend your room with a murderous bear, tearing any of your attackers to shreds. You may not use Blood Hound tomorrow. 2 uses
Gaze of a Psychopath (Night) - If your first target visits your second target, you will ambush them, occupying and attacking them. This ability will be unable to regenerate uses if you kill a cultist with it. 2 uses

Defeat the Blue Dragon and Unseen as well as any neutrals who would oppose you.

Italy left no discernable logs for the court.

Day 3 has ended and Night 3 will now begin. It will end at 2020-06-01T00:26:00Z. Deadline for night actions is an hour before night end.

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Please just be patient when we are handling SoN, we are processing everything as fast as we can


Deadline for night actionsā€¦ has long since passed. They will now be processed.

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Reminder that if you get no feedback you slept peacefully

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I canā€™t think of flavor rip

Nobody died last night. Night 3 has ended and Day 4 has begun. With 10 players alive, majority is 6. The day will end at 2020-06-03T00:26:00Z. You may now post.



I had Kat jailedā€¦ clonedā€¦

Host Pingus


@clonedcheese who did you overload last night?


also yes i was jailed

Cloned redirected em to Kat for some reason, I was expecting Gorta

cloned is mechanically confirmed and i think he might have saved my life?

I need you and only you to give me a target to confirm myself on today, because you are the only person that can be trusted as of last night.

Who did you HH/Deb?

Who did you heal last night?

kat were you actually jailed, my first thought here is ā€˜gorta lied in jailā€™

oh okay

