SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

yes, i used it on jane yesterday because we were supposed to lynch intensify

Things turned outā€¦ surprising.

I want to wait for Jane before we continuie

and you found?

So thatā€™s likely the Mastermind/Jane

well we supposedly have two puppeteers
so if one of us had a day abil charge
then easy confirm

enlighten the idiot on what this means please

Cult Spies

Itā€™s not something that gives me info

jane can only be MM or high priestess

im leaning that theyā€™re high priestess because they seemed really annoyed that we werenā€™t going to lynch intensify and mech confirm them

I think Cheese should be left for later regardless

MM is almost always gorta or anstreim

So is the bleed on Ans fake?

This. Me bearing on N1 N2 meant I couldnā€™t wolf on D2 D3.

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I feel like lynching Jane today, cause on the chance she is MM, we also found new convert that I can jail axe tonight

I wouldnā€™t be surprised with an ans assassin/n3 convert but I donā€™t believe in MMans

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Iā€™m confused

I donā€™t get how that follows


My tinfoil right now is that Gorta is the NK while Jane is the MM unless Gorta actually flips town and Kat was the NK with gigamind plays all along.

I thought it was the thing in which both of our alignments were compared

Uhā€¦ What?

  • katze - canā€™t be MM due to me seeing their classcard
  • TheBlueElixir - almost never MM
  • Anstreim - MM candidate
  • Arete (pre-in) - can only be MM if they hard bussed crichard
  • Intensify - literally the fucking vessel
  • Napoleon :crown: - literally the fucking king
  • an_gorta_pratai - MM candidate
  • ModeShifter - literally the fucking senex
  • Jane - their attitude towards not lynching intensify and mechconfirming themselves seems very unlikely to come from MM
  • Clonedcheese - literally mechconfirmed puppeter due to me being jailed N3


Iā€™m Deacon

If Kat is nk I make sure to buy a bunch of Kat repels