SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

If kat is NK

Dont bleed

On it, let me submit.

you would like someone to say that they were actually bled though?
scum will just be like “oh i wasn’t bled ans lie haha”

You should do it at a random time of day

See if kat announces it at the right moment

bleed immune NKs know when they were bleed attempted anyway iirc

Oh wait

Scum gets notified of when

Ignore me

He beared N1 and N2 (if hes Hunter, I think its more likely than not that he went bear, I can prove it), I only think hes converted if its N3

My SF target was the nerd.

Bear doesn’t stop conversion here

What if you bleed Kat and I project terror Kat the night Kat should be dying? That way, if Kat was NK, their bleed immunity should be gone


so arete is only MM in very very niche worlds and is mech confirmed not NK

arete is only converted if they were stonewalled n1 and thats such an unlikely world im not even gonna consider it

doesnt stop converts


I need to clarify a few things.

Who was your original jail target?


I knew it

That Ans trust thing was an RT


for the second time this game

i have been scratched

Too late for that. Also, done.

Apparently Bear doesn’t prevent conversion and it’s not a typo. Kat hinted to me about it on D3 and… yeah. I asked the hosts myself.

off for dinner


Sneaky, wasn’t it?

Though I did trust him.

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this is me claiming the bleed, by the way


also Ans can’t have been converted N1 because I used Frozen Blood on him

he could obviously have been converted later