SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Arete asked for it


Ngh that was a bad flirt

Doesnā€™t confirm anything since if you are trying to clear Arete as MM they jsut convert Jane

Arete wanted it

And I said sure

And so I confessionaled Arete

And Jane Flirted/Hour thingyā€™d arete

TBE proposed a nightplan where he uses his ability on Arete, Jane flirts Arete (to confirm them as S/S and therefore not a convert) and confirms themself as not NK (since if they were NK their visit would show as K/O).
Which still doesnā€™t clear them from being MM but yeah.

Iā€™m S/S, which means a flirt on me is way more informative than a flirt on anyone else because it clears me of being MM or NK (or convert, because (a) Assassin is K/O, (b) Sage is also K/O)

Arete was HHā€™ed?

would be pretty gamer if jane converted (or convert attempted) arete in front of TBE



The priestessā€™ second ability

Itā€™s got something to do with time
I forget the name now

Gorta was HHā€™d last night.
Arete was HHā€™d by Kat onā€¦ N2?

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my n1 action is worthless and my n3 action was being bound :eyes:

Honestly I jsut wanted to be put out of my misery


actually it occurs to me that my logic for Jane not being MM unless they missed the N1 convert doesnā€™t work, since Iā€™m fealtied itā€™s possible that she tried and failed to convert me

And my N3 action was wasted on you because I didnā€™t expect you to be jailed.
So we are pretty even, I guess.

Yes you were bound and I made sure to drug your drink that night

we can still vote you if you want

This game literally destroyed any will I had to play after everything that happened on D3 so yeah, I feel you.


Fortunately you have two more jails.

I think we gotta kill gorta/katze today?

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