SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

Guys make sure to snap vote in Lylo

Trust me itll be funny

right now we could be at a position where we’re at parity

3 Unseen/1 NK/1 Neutral/5 Cult

thats kinda fucking scary

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  1. katze
  2. TheBlueElixir
  3. Anstreim
  4. Arete (pre-in)
  5. Intensify
  6. Napoleon :crown:
  7. an_gorta_pratai
  8. ModeShifter
  9. Jane
  10. Clonedcheese

Right now, Seth, I, and cloned are all clear. Anstreim is probably legitimate IMO?

I also blame myself for voting Italy on D3 because another charge of HM could be big for us.

On what

Oh no

So if Mode is non-cult sided, its gg?

if its EK or evil senex then we basically always lose

i don’t think either of those are the case

seth can theoretically side NK even as good senex i guess


I don’t think Napoleon is EK in any world.
I’ve been saying this since D2 and well, I stand by it – none of his plays make much sense from EK perspective.

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I won’t side with NK.
But Anstreim is my lock Town to me and I will always follow him to the end.

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Seth who did you heal last night.

My NK game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/standard-bastard-canned/81772
My Assassin game: https://forum.imperium42.com/t/sfol-sfol-60-randomizer-day-3-14-18-the-blue-dragon-and-mercenary-win/81476/5910

I think we should at least get the MM first


Thanks Mode

i still think your townlock is converted or maybe MM but at least you’re loyal

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ze fak


lesser PoE:

…I see ans/katze being a thing


:eyes: :eyes:

Iiiiiiiiiii think this actually might be massive brain strats?
maybe katze is trying to game the system and being real for once when they know that nobody will hear them

intensify openwolfling

im confused

you’re welcome MM

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if they can’t convert then next thing should be hang the NK and then go after the assassin and convert


I do want MM out

Which might be Jane

But actually…maybe NK

We need NK dead

MM next, probably, because F4



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No thanks, I’ll pass on this ship.

I mean I suspect him but I suspect him less than Gorta.
I still suspect him enough that I used my HM on him last night but he was jailed.

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