SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

I assume it would be too late for that


It’s too late to stp the bleed

But intensify would work, might want more discussion on it though

I can, but I would rather not say who I use my day ability on


Scum day occing anybody but intensify probably wouldn’t do anything

But scum likely have another bleed

I don’t want to commit to healing anyone either. I will heal someone, but it will likely be from a pool of people of Nappy’s choosing

If scum does have another bleed, try to paradox before they bleed

Ans dies to bleed

It’s probably your only path to mech confirm

> claims healer
> doesn’t want to heal the bleeding person
> ???


this is not exactly filling me with overwhelming confidence in your towniness

We will see, but I don’t want to out who I heal because I want that randomness

I want to keep the scum on their toes and not tell who I heal if you understand what I mean

I am an outed healer I could easily be redirected or dayocc’d


What i find interesting

Is that I think I’ve only heard MM!Jane idea come up until Jane voted me

It’s odd

and if I said who I was healing then scum could just kill someone else

You being day occ’d means nothing

You being occ’d/red. Is almost never possible


But ans always dies

How so?

What do you mean?

I wont keep pushing this point

I dont think jane was heavily suspected until they voted me yesterday and we said we’d thunderdome

Then everyone just kinda agreed ‘yeah, Jane probably scoo’

If there was something a bit more private I would tell you who I was healing, but I want some secrecy here

This is unlikely, as there are 2 healers

Gorta, who are your top scum and what do you think of the Italy lynch