SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

But that’s literally NAI – isn’t he like this in every single game?
Also neutral fakeclaiming another neutral is absurd to me.

it’s a pro gamer move when you give it enough thought
in tol i’d claim alch as mercenary :eyes:

your taste is bad and you should feel bad

i don’t think he gains anything. the play is, at face value, pointless. he has not shown that the play had depth beyond what is shown at face value.

why would he do this as town? why would he do this as scum?

i don’t think either of these questions have good answers. hence why im not TRing him for it

additionally he retracted it before there was any real danger… sure he got “bled”

if he kept it up until D2 and retracted it i’d be more inclined to townread him for it, actually

i don’t think its scummy

i think its mostly NAI

but i also think the “it doesnt make sense as scum” argument is just as valid as “it doesnt make sense as town”, and thus they cancel eachother out and we’re back at square one

But on a slightly more serious note, from what I recall, they’re actually trying this game and I like that.

so if we read derps from square one and consider he’s done nothing but FPS a merc claim

where does your read on him stand?

You don’t beleive the bleed?

not fully

reminder that healers have limited uses because cult

i’m willing to just let him bleed out instead of having our healers spend limited charge abilities trying to save him

Do you actively scumread them or is this just because they’re null to you?

although cabalist/witcher aren’t fortunate enough for that

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I guess that makes sense.
The reason I said he should probably be healed is because I still don’t see why would you do it as scum but yeah.

Didn’t he retract after announcing that me and CRichard are his targets? Although by that point it was pretty much obvious that he was FPSing so.

Null, duh. Most of his other posts, once again, are memery – unless I missed something.

the thing is
i’m very good at finding a person’s motivation
there’s not a single thing that would motivate him to do this as town except “haha neut claim” and even then his actions while claiming make it clear that it wasn’t some kind of joke and he was FPSing

Although SDA promised to look into CRichard during the night so I’d prefer to see if he delivers or not.

Hmm… sure.

he’s either really bad at convincing people not to murder him as merc and trust me, i’ve seen his merc plays
(they suck)
is a scum neutral
or is scum
this is italy tier deduction

i will admit my perspective is a bit biased here

i am someone who FPSes a fuckton… a lot of them are pointless

that FPS reads as entirely pointless and thus, NAI

however a pointless FPS can still net results. my alch FPS last game was ultimately pointless to begin but i did get results out of it.

i believe the FPS can come from both town and scum is basically what im saying for the 5th time

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there’s no town motivation behind this fps
the only situation where derps is town here is if he was trying to meme, and if he was he wouldn’t have gotten so aggressively anti-town

Sure, you’re entitled to your opinion.

i have single handedly brought my team to victory in 4 different games before
you’re speaking to the gamer italy, not nerd single braincell do nothing italy

Still Derps plays the game in a very strange way. His mercenary claim and later retraction is NAI given this is Derps we’re dealing with.