SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!

There’s also the fact that because this game has conversion, we literally can’t trust anyone but Napoleon/Intensify – which makes things difficult on it’s own.
Who thought conversion was a good idea for FMs.

theres a reason its considered bastard literally everywhere

The assassin was jailed n2 btw

Not sure if that was said there

In a game where 90% of folks can mech confirm themselves

Maybe there should be some

hence the “bit less absurd” part

if i were n1 convert then id have no way of ensuring the vessel dies n2 so doing that for towncred makes sense

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if i were the N1 convert then i’d have told crich/MM to dirty work so we didnt miss a nightkill though

because theres no real drawback in that situation

Unless they missed a n1 convert

A theory that might actually have some merit

the fact crich was jail/exed n2 as assassin tells me

A: the mm/n1 convert arent 200iq gamers like me
B: the n1 convert doesnt exist

But if they missed the n1 convert kat is cleared of convert

But we dont need convert rn anyway

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i can technically be confirmed tonight if jane mirrors me

but that would require both me and jane to be alive and unjailed tonight, and that seems unlikely

It is possible that you hit someone who was healed/protected by Napoleon on that night.
Or that you hit DI (not jail target since that would have to be CRichard and… Yeah).

This is kinda WIFOM, also at that point of the game (N2) I think we had a lot of softs, so the chances of Napoleon/Protectives guessing who the Vessel is from the ‘leftovers’ on their own would be pretty high, imo.

I mean, this isn’t really an argument as well since unlike ToL, only investigatives get notified if they are ever redirected. Puppeteer fakeclaim kinda works, also it would fit into your class type in case High Priestess spawned.

Just like Napoleon was risking getting jailed/executed in the first game, until he steered the lynch from Gorta.

Wait what. Did you think Napoleon was Vessel on N2?

And town

And yeah, CRichard was jailed N2 so you wouldn’t be able to kill anyone as N1 conversion anyway.

no i thought jane was

because an alch claim was jailed n1 and not exed

it just turns out the alch claim was the vessel

I would prefer Jane to flirt me tonight to put the “Anstreim = MM” tinfoil to rest.

i guarantee jane had no protection N2 other than the king guard

taking me out of PoE changes the game more

because im really the only one who’s tinfoiling MM!Ans that hard :^)

I’d prefer to lynch Jane but dont mind me


Full logs plz

Eh, not really. Gorta/Cloned seem to think that there’s a chance I’m MM as well so.
The point stands.

I mean Jane is my MM candidate as well, but still – the fact that this game only has 1 investigative is messed up.

That would require us to execute TBE, but everyone seems to think they’re town.