SFoL 61.5 - Fortress of the Dark Deity (4/16) - Complete - The Unseen, Guardian, and Senex win!


i already said this


Iā€™ve already said that I think the worst you could be is N2/N3 conversion ā€“ so even if you are one, you are absolutely not the priority.
And TBE = MM is justā€¦ pure tinfoil to me right now.

N1 - Reconciliate Gaja1234 (-> Vulgard) [Social/Support] [2 uses of Reconciliate left]
D2 - Lynch Appel; Lose 1 use for Mirror on the Wall [0 uses of Mirror on the Wall left]
N2 - Reconciliate clonedcheese [Killer/Offensive] [1 use of Reconciliate left]
D3 - Dazzle katze (redirected to Intensify); Wasted (Gee thanks Intensify) [0 uses of Dazzle left]
N3 - Reconciliate Arete [Social/Support] [0 uses of Reconciliate left]

Well, thatā€™s an issue.

i just realized we coulda soft-confirmed me and jane by putting me at L-1 yesterday and seeing if i died or not

well i guess it doesnt deconfirm us as being groupscum together


You gave up Mirror?



Reconciliation givers yellow checks

Mirror gives red checks

well technically it can get false positives on knyghts and archers and maybe hunters

but itā€™d be the only ability to confirm me as being not NK

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Can you get out of my head and stop writing my thoughts before I write them.

False positives on classes that didnt roll

We have none of those

At least i dont remember anyone claiming them, and certainly nobody claiming a kill

speaking of which

3 hunters btw

if ans is real

Lynch ans to get the triple mauler lynch

Also @Jane, your theory on TBE being MM aside, what are your other opinions/reads?

i still think ans flips groupscum really often

but if not then we get the triple mauler lynch

Do you think ans/Jane w/w?


if ans MM, no

if jane MM, possibly

Which was a part of the reason I tagged Italy.

And I still think that you/gorta flip NK fairly often.
So thereā€™s that.